SharePoint User Management Wizard - Event Name and Action

SharePoint User Management Wizard - Event Name and Action

The Event Name and Action wizard screen displays different options depending on whether the wizard is run in Advanced or Standard mode. In Advanced mode only the headings are displayed which will navigate to a more detailed screen providing added information. In Standard mode the headings as well as different options are displayed for a quicker configuration.

Fig.1 SharePoint User Management Wizard - Event Name and Action (Advanced)

Fig.2 SharePoint User Management Wizard - Event Name and Action (Standard)

Feature What it is
Add SharePoint Users and Groups To Add SharePoint Users and Groups select this option
Remove SharePoint Users and Groups To Remove SharePoint Users and Groups select this option
Create SharePoint Groups To Create SharePoint Users and Groups select this option
Delete SharePoint Groups To Delete SharePoint Groups select this option
Manage Permissions To Manage permissions select this option
Reset Inheritance on site, list or library To Reset Inheritance select this option
See Also



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