SharePoint Events Process - Event Sources

SharePoint Events Process Wizard - Event Sources (Advanced only)

The following wizard screen is only available when the wizard is run in advanced mode.

The Event Sources listing is shown below. Any number of event sources can be configured and managed for the Events Integration from this dialog. The Event Source are SharePoint events generated when there is interaction with SharePoint either automatically or by a initiated by a user. The events can be captured by the K2 Host Server and action is taken based on the type of event and the event configuration.

Fig. 1. The SharePoint Workflow Integration Process Wizard - Event Sources

Feature What it is
Add Adds a new Event Source listing
Edit Edits an existing Event Source listing
Remove Removes a single instance of an Event Source listing
Remove All Removes all instances of Event Source listings
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)