SharePoint Events Process - Orientation

What does the SharePoint Event Process Wizard Do?

The SharePoint Events Process wizard provides a direct approach for hooking a K2 blackpearl process up to events that occur in lists and libraries in SharePoint.

The SharePoint Events Process wizard integrates a process with a particular event on a list or library. SharePoint supports two styles of events when integrating, synchronous and asynchronous events. An example of the two styles of events are the ItemAdding and ItemAdded events. Any events ending with “-ing” are synchronous, any events ending in “-ed” are asynchronous. The SharePoint Events Process wizard provides integration with the asynchronous set of events; the synchronous events are not supported. By only supporting the asynchronous events, K2 blackpearl can ensure that SharePoint will not hang or crash if a poorly designed process is integrated with a list or library.

Why use the SharePoint Event Process Wizard

Processes built using the SharePoint Events process wizard should not require complete integration with all of the Office client products. Some processes require the ability for users to start the workflow from all integration points possible. For example, some processes need to support client activation from within the Office client applications user interface. If this type of integration and control is needed, use the SharePoint Workflow Integration Process Wizard instead of the SharePoint Events Process wizard. If the process being built only needs to start when something happens on the list or library, then use the SharePoint Events Process wizard.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)