Reference - SmartObject Method Wizard - Wizard Navigation

SmartObject Method Wizard - Wizard Navigation

The SmartObject Method Wizard allows the user to add a new Method to a SmartObject and/or associate existing Service Object methods with the current SmartObject. The Advanced Mode allows the configuration of Method Parameters

The methods available are default methods created and made available at design time. The default methods can be removed from the K2 SmartObject and new ones created. A K2 SmartObject must have at least one method.

The SmartObject Wizard can be run in Standard or Advanced Mode. The following sections detail the specific steps involved with each step.

SmartObject_Method_Wizard - Welcome SmartObject Method Wizard - Method Details SmartObject Method Wizard - Configuration method Parameters SmartObject Method Wizard - Service Object Methods Reference - SmartObject Method Wizard - Service Method Links Finished
Wizard Steps What it is
Welcome Starts the process of the SmartObject Method Wizard configuration
Method Details Configures the Method Name, Method Type, and Transaction
Method Parameters (Advanced only) Allows Parameters to be added, edited, or removed for the SmartObject Method
Service Object Methods Allows methods from Service Objects to be added, edited or removed
Service Method Links (Advanced only) Allows methods from Service Objects to be added, edited or removed
Finished Signifies the end of the SmartObject Method Wizard



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)