SmartObject Method Wizard - Configuration method Parameters

SmartObject Method Wizard - Configure Method Parameters (Optional)

This screen in the wizard is optional and can be skipped by clicking Next.

Method Parameters can be configured to be used as Input Mappings. This allows for dynamic data results to be returned. Parameters and Input Properties are grouped together in the User Interface and called Input Mappings.


Fig. 1. SmartObject Method Wizard - Configure Method Parameters Screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Name Displays the Method parameters by name View the configured parameters by name
Description Displays the parameters description View the parameters description
Type Displays the parameter type View the parameter type
Add Adds the Method Parameter Click Add to specify the Method parameter's name, description and type
Edit Edits the Method Parameter Click Edit to change the details of the parameter
Remove Removes the selected Method Parameter Click Remove to delete a configured parameter
Remove All Removes all the Method Parameters Click Remove All to delete all configured parameters

Add Parameter


Fig. 2. SmartObject Method Wizard - Add Parameters Screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Name Set the name of the Method parameter Type the parameters name in the text box
Description Set the parameter's description Type a brief description of the parameter
Type Set the parameter type Click the down arrow and select a type from the list

When the SmartObject Event Wizard is used for example, the Parameters are shown on the Input Mapping screen as shown below:


Fig. 3. SmartObject Event Wizard - Input Mapping


It is important to take note of the following when using the SmartObject Wizard which contains a Filter screen:



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