Copy Document

K2 Designer for SharePoint - Copy Document

The Copy Document wizard is used to copy a SharePoint document from one SharePoint Library to another.

From K2 4.6.4, configuring this wizard will also include preserving metadata for columns when a document is copied to a different SharePoint Library.  The SharePoint items version history will also be included when the document is copied.  The version history will only be included if the specified SharePoint Library has versioning enabled.
Metadata that will be preserved will typically be the columns:

Metadata for Custom SharePoint columns will also be preserved if the destination SharePoint Library contains the exact same columns as the Source SharePoint Library.

We recommend that the following updates are installed to make use of this functionality: 

  • The latest SharePoint Cumulative Updates.
  • The latest SharePoint Service Pack.

When the Copy Document Wizard is used to copy a document to a library where the same document already exists, the existing document will be overwritten

Fig. 1. Copy Document

Fig. 2. Copy Document - Configure the destination

Feature What it is How to use it
Source document identifier The source document to be copied Select the Source Document from the Drop down list
SharePoint Site URL The SharePoint site where the document should be copied to Defaults to current site. Type another site if required
Select document library The SharePoint Document Library where the document should be copied to Select the document library
Destination document identifier Provide the document with a relevant name that will be used to identify the document at the specified destination Type a name

By clicking on the icon, the user is able to toggle between different input views, see below. Using this method of input, the user can type the Document Library name or use the Context Browser to drag and drop the Document Library name into the text box. 

Fig. 3. Copy Document - Configure the destination

Editing the Copy Document event

 To edit the Copy Document event, right click the event and select Configure Workflow Step. The Name and Description of the event can be edited and Workflow Step Outcomes can be added or changed.

Fig. 4. Copy Document - Specify the name

Feature What it is How to use it
Name The name represents a specific step in a Workflow. For example, the Manager Approval Step or Approved Type text for the Name of the event
Description Describes the functionality and purpose of the step Type a brief description of the event

Fig. 5. Copy Document - Configure the possible Outcome

Feature What it is How to use it
Add Click this button to add an outcome rule, the Edit Outcome Rules screen will open. Click Add
Edit Opens the Edit Outcome Rules screen enabling the user to add Outcome Rules to the Outcome Select an Outcome and click Edit
Remove Removes an Outcome Select an Outcome and click Remove
Remove All Removes all Outcomes Click Remove All
Move Up Moves an Outcome one position up Select an Outcome and click Move Up
Move Down Moves an Outcome one position down Select an Outcome and click Move Down
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)