The Navigation Bar

K2 Designer for SharePoint 2010 - Navigation Bar

Once the K2 Designer for SharePoint is open, the navigation bar is available for performing various actions when building a Workflow. The navigation bar is broken up into sections:

Feature What it is
Menu Button Used to navigate to the Main Menu
File Assist a user by providing a selection of tools that can be used in the designing or editing of a Workflow. The File Menu is one of the menus allowing a user to save, publish or edit the properties of a Workflow
Workflow Steps Contains the selection of Designer Tools that can be used to build Workflows
SmartObjects Provides an easy access point for all the SmartObjects that are available for use within the K2 Designer for SharePoint Workflow
Workflow Templates Workflows can be saved as Templates and reused to create new Workflows
Favorites The Favorites menu contains the list of users/groups that can be assigned as participants to a Workflow. Users can be added to the Favorites menu via the Participant icon located on a step
Workflow Guides K2 Designer for SharePoint provides Workflow Guides to help new users configure their environment and create Workflows
Design Canvas The design canvas is a dynamic design area where the steps and wizards are dropped and configured accordingly resulting in the creation of a new K2 Designer for SharePoint Workflow



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