K2D4SP - SmartObjects

K2 Designer for SharePoint - SmartObjects

The SmartObjects section in the K2 Designer for SharePoint is an easy access point for all the SmartObjects that are available for use within the K2 Designer for SharePoint Workflow.

The SmartObjects section contains the Wizard Category Drop down that is an easy way to access all the wizards of the different SmartObject methods. The following are default SmartObjects that are available with any installation of K2:

It is important to note that SmartObjects will only be available in the SmartObjects tool bar once it has been configured on the Configure SmartObject Access page

Any other SmartObjects that have been made available through configuring the Configure SmartObject Access page, will also be available in this drop down.  

To use any of these methods in a Workflow, simply drag the required method onto the canvas and the wizard will open which will guide the user through the Workflow of setting up the method. Input/Output Properties may be required. Type values or drag and drop fields from the Context Browser into the relevant fields.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)