Create Document Set

K2 Designer for SharePoint - Create Document Set

The Create Document Set wizard is used to automatically create a document set  as part of the Workflow. This document set can be used to group multiple documents such as legal documents etc. Click and drag this wizard in the designated area on the design canvas to start the wizard.


It is important to perform the following in SharePoint in order to use the Create Document Set feature:

Fig. 1. Create Document Set

Fig. 2. Create Document Set wizard

Feature What it is
Select site Select the site where the folder should be created
Select library Select the library where the document set is to be created
Document Set Name Supply a name for the document set to be created
Document Set Content Type Content Type is a customizable meta description of content that can include custom properties, a retention policy, and an associated set of workflows/business Workflows. Only those document set content types that have been added to the selected library will be listed

The next wizard screen is the Metadata screen:

Fig. 3. Metadata

Feature What it is
Name The name of the metadata
Value The value of the metadata. Provide data in the relevant fields.



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