K2 User Licenses

License Management - K2 User Licenses

The Licensed Users node only lists users of which credentials and passwords have been cached.

This user page will return users of which credentials have been cached.  Note that the user will only be listed if the users password has been cached as well. The user password can be cached in K2 Workspace>User Settings.  If a users credentials expired for the session, the user will not be listed under Licensed Users until such time that his credentials are cached again.  From this page the administrator is able to Remove a user from the user list.  For a detailed list of user license seats occupied, see the K2 Licensing section.

Licensed Users
Item Description
Refresh Refreshes the current listing, effective for when system changes have taken place.
Remove Removes the user(s) that have been selected.
Select Selects the highlighted user
Select All Selects all the users



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)