Developing a SmartObject across K2 Design Environments

Developing a SmartObject across K2 Design Environments

It is possible to extend a SmartObject definition designed in K2 Designer for Visual Studio, for example, by editing the SmartObject in K2 Studio.

A business analyst can create a SmartObject in K2 Studio (based on what he/she knows about the business side of the data process), save the SmartObject project and send it to the K2 developer. The K2 developer can then open the project in K2 Designer for Visual Studio and add/edit whatever SmartObject Methods or further data values are required by the underlying K2 system. The K2 Developer can then send the SmartObject project back to the business analyst for review. The SmartObejct could be deployed from either K2 Studio or K2 Designer for Visual Studio.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)