Default Client Event Wizard Navigation

Default Client Event Wizard - Wizard Navigation

The Default Client Event Wizard configures the Client Event through the following steps:

Welcome Screen Event Name and Forms Event Notification Settings Configure Actions Configure Outcomes Destination Users K2 Default Client Event Finished

Wizard Steps What it is
Welcome Screen Describes the Default Client Event Wizard and presents the Advanced mode check box
Event Name and Forms Select where to send the Client Event
Event Notification Settings Specify whether a Notification of the Event must be sent to the Destination User
Configure Actions Configures the available actions for the process
Configure Outcomes Configures the available outcomes for the process
Destination Users Configures the destination users for the process
Finished Signifies the end of the Default Client Event Wizard
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)