CRM Requirements and Supported Entities

CRM Event Wizard - Requirements and Supported Entities

Installation and Configuration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM is beyond the scope of this topic or the K2 product documentation. For further assistance, see the following Microsoft resource: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

Microsoft CRM Server

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is intended for small businesses, midsized companies, and large enterprises and part of the Microsoft ERP product stack offering. K2 integrates with the CRM Server in the following ways: 

Security Requirements

Ensure to take note of the following security requirements: 

CRM Security Requirements

Web Designer Site Application Pool Identity

System Administrator Role in CRM

FULL User rights

K2 Server service account

System Administrator Role in CRM

FULL User rights

Example of CRM rights

CRM Rights

Fig 1. System Administrator Role in CRM

Microsoft CRM Entity Support

The following Microsoft CRM entities are supported:

The list provided below is considered correct at the time of publishing and is subject to availability via the Microsoft CRM Server.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)