Copy an item

Use the Copy an item action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to copy an item from a source list to a destination list in SharePoint Online.

  • The Copy an item action can be used only to copy items from lists and not document libraries.
  • When copying an item, only the metadata values (columns) that are common in the source list and destination list are copied to the destination list and the other values are ignored.
Before you start 

Add and configure the Copy an item action

The steps required to configure the action are given below. The Copy an item action fields, buttons and settings table describes all the required and optional configuration fields.

  1. Click the Integration action group in the action toolbox.
  2. or

    Type the action name or function in the Search field at the top of the action toolbox.

  3. Drag the Copy an item action to the designer canvas.
  4. Double-click the Copy an item action to open the Action configuration window. For more information about the Action configuration window, see Action configuration window.
  5. Select a Connection. The type of the connection to use is SharePoint Online: List & library.
  6. Tip: Don't have a connection yet? For information about how to create a new connection, see Create a personal connection.

  7. Do the following in the Source item section to specify the source item to copy:
    1. Type the URL or insert a variable to specify the SharePoint site URL.
    2. Type the name or select a variable to specify the List name of the list you want to copy the item from.
    3. Specify the Item ID of the item you want to copy. For more information about how to find the Item ID of an item, see How do I get the list Item ID from a list?.
  8. Do the following in the Destination location section to specify the destination:
    1. Type the URL or insert a variable to specify the SharePoint site URL.
    2. Type the name or select a variable to specify the List name of the list you want to copy the item to.
  9. Click Save to save the action configuration.

For more information on the fields, buttons, and settings see, Copy an item action fields, buttons and settings.