Connect and authenticate with an API

Some services or data sources require you authenticate Identifying the requestor of the API using techniques such as a username and password, an API key, or OAuth2.0. to their system in order to perform operations A single request to a third-party API. Operations often become actions in the workflow designer.. The types of authentication accepted by the API A programming interface that defines how software can be interacted with by other software. is declared in the OpenAPI Specification A standard, language-agnostic description of RESTful APIs that can be read by both humans and machines. Formerly known as Swagger., in the security object. The authentication methods supported by Nintex Xtensions are:

You can also define additional properties to be specified when the connection is created, and use the same security credentials with other hosts or basePaths in individual operations.

Before you start 

Authentication for Xtensions A set of instructions for Nintex Automation Cloud to use third-party API functionality with Nintex workflows. An Xtension may include workflow actions, start events, forms or file control. consists of three components:

If you are creating an Xtension for an on-premises application, we recommend using Nintex Gateway to handle secure connections. If you are not using Nintex Gateway, you may need to configure your firewall to allow IP addresses related to Xtensions and Nintex Automation Cloud. See the Nintex platform allowlist.

How to


Create a new GitHub repository and post an issue using Basic authentication.

Add basic authentication

Use API key authentication to convert currency and create an automatic international purchase approval workflow.

Add API key authentication

Use OAuth2 authentication to create a new task list in the Google Tasks of the connected user.

Add OAuth2 authentication