Working with the ConfigurationPropertySection control

The topmost template control in the hierarchy of template controls for configuration pages, the ConfigurationPropertySection template control logically groups other template controls, such as the ConfigurationProperty control, into a single section.

Registering the control

The following Register directive registers the ConfigurationPropertySection control for use on a configuration page.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Nintex" TagName="ConfigurationPropertySection" 
    src="~/_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/ConfigurationPropertySection.ascx" %>

Declaring the control

The following example illustrates how to add a ConfigurationPropertySection control to a configuration page.

<Nintex:ConfigurationPropertySection runat="server" Id="MainControls1">
        <%-- Place other template controls here --%>

Implementing the control

Typically, the only configuration you must do is to ensure that each ConfigurationPropertySection control is uniquely named, for reference and registration purposes. A single configuration page can contain multiple ConfigurationPropertySection controls, the visibility and appearance of which can be independently configured. Some optional properties, however, can be used to adjust the appearance of the control.

Note: The ConfigurationPropertySection control is the only template control that should be added directly to the configuration page. Other template controls, such as the ConfigurationProperty control, must be added to a ConfigurationPropertySection control, or to a descendent template control of a ConfigurationPropertySection control. For more information about nesting template controls, see Implementing template controls.

Registering initial visibility

You must register the initial visibility of each ConfigurationPropertySection control on a configuration page, so that the configuration settings dialog can either show or hide the control when the Action toggle button in the Settings group of the ribbon for the configuration settings dialog is toggled on or off, respectively. The registration occurs within the static client script block for the ContentBody control of the configuration page.

For information about how to register the initial visibility of a ConfigurationPropertySection control, see Working with the ContentHead control.

Toggling group visibility

You can use the ToggleGroupVisibility JavaScript function, dynamically added by the ConfigurationPropertySection control, to programmatically show or hide a grouped set of template controls. For more information about grouping template controls, see Implementing template controls.

See Also


Configuration pages


Working with configuration pages

Implementing template controls


JavaScript Reference

.NET Framework Reference