Working with the ConfigurationPropertyEndLine control

The ConfigurationPropertyEndLine control provides a row that contains a horizontal line within the parent template control, as a divider between logically grouped controls and elements.

Registering the control

The following Register directive registers the ConfigurationPropertyEndLine control for use on a configuration page.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Nintex" TagName="ConfigurationPropertyEndLine" 
    src="~/_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/ConfigurationPropertyEndLine.ascx" %>

Declaring the control

The following example illustrates how to add a ConfigurationPropertyEndLine control to a ConfigurationPropertySection control on a configuration page.

<Nintex:ConfigurationPropertySection runat="server" Id="MainControls1">
        <Nintex:ConfigurationPropertyEndLine runat="server" />

Implementing the control

Typically, no additional configuration is required to implement the ConfigurationPropertyEndLine control. Some optional properties, however, can be used to adjust the appearance of the control.

See Also


Configuration pages


Working with configuration pages

Implementing template controls


JavaScript Reference

.NET Framework Reference