Removing a custom control

You can remove the control by removing it from the surface of the form, and then retracting the solution in Visual Studio or disabling the solution file in SharePoint Central Administration. You will need to remove any instance of the control from a form. Then you will remove the assemblies from the GAC. Visual Studio offers a streamlined retraction process.

Remove the Assembly from the General Assembly Cache

The form control will still appear in the Manage Forms Controls list in NintexForms Management; and any form with the disabled control will produce an error when you attempt to load the form until you have removed the control DLL from the GAC.

To manually remove the custom control assembly from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on the server

  1. Start Command Prompt, as an administrator.

  2. In Command Prompt, run the following command, replacing <assemblyPath> with the full path and file name of the assembly:

    gacutil /u <assemblyPath>

For more information about manually adding an assembly to the GAC, see How to Uninstall an Assembly from the GAC .

Retract the solution file using Visual Studio

You can retract the solution using Visual Studio. You will want to unbind the control from the form where it has been added, and then delete it from the form.

To retract the solution file using Visual Studio

  1. Right-click the custom control.
  2. Open the solution in Solution Explorer.
  3. Right-click the solution, and select Retract.

Retract the solution file using SharePoint

If you deployed the package, you can retract the solution from the SharePoint Central Administration Home page after you have removed any instance of the custom control.

To retract the solution in the farm

  1. Open Central Administration and click System Settings.
  2. In the Farm Management section, click Manage farm solutions.

    The Solution Management page appears. Solution deployment status is indicated in the Status column; the Web applications to which the solutions are deployed are indicated in the Deployed To column.

  3. Click the name of your solution, for example, Nintex.Forms.Sdk.Sample.wsp.
  4.  Click Retract Solution.

Related information

Create a custom form control sample