Mouse Button

This article provides information on the following topics:

Note: The Actions Quick Reference provides a complete list of actions that you can print for easy reference.

What is the Mouse Button Action?

The Mouse Button Action presses and releases the left or right mouse button.  

A Mouse Button Action is never actually added to a script.  Instead, when a Mouse Button Action is built a Mouse Sequence Action is created containing a Mouse Down and Mouse Up Action.  The Mouse Down and Mouse Up Actions are what actually simulate pressing the mouse button.

Note: A Mouse Button Action should never be used to perform basic mouse clicks.  For basic mouse clicks, use the Click, double click and right click Actions.

Generally, a Mouse Button Action (a Mouse Down and Mouse Up Action) would never be used unless one of the following Actions are placed between the mouse down and mouse up:


Action Name



Use a Delay Action to hold the mouse button down for a specific amount of time.

Move Mouse

Use a Move Mouse Action to drag the mouse to a new target.

A Delay Action can be used to hold a mouse button down for a specific amount of time.  This can be useful in cases where a button must be held down (such as then 'Down' button on a scroll bar) for a length of time.

A Move Mouse Action can be placed between the mouse down and mouse up to create a "drag-and-drop" behavior.

Other Actions are not permitted between a Mouse Down and Mouse Up Action, with the exception of the Note Action.

Creating a Mouse Button Action

Drag and drop the Selector onto the target to display the Action Builder.  A previewimage () will be displayed that allows you to visually confirm what has been targeted.  Select the Mouse Button Action () from the Actions list.

Enter the mouse button () to hover the mouse over the target.

Click the OK button to save the Action.