Archive, Delete or Restore a process
You can archive processes that are no longer valid or required. Once archived, these processes are no longer visible in the process list, and won’t appear in search results.
To delete a process you must archive it first. Once a process is archived, only a Promaster can delete it.
Important: Only Promasters and process owners can archive a process. Only Promasters can view, restore, or delete archived processes. Before deleting a process, it must be unlinked from all other records such as processes or process groups. For more information on how to unlink a process review the Remove a process link section.

- Navigate to a process.
- Click
and then click Archive. The process will be archived and can be accessed from Processes > Archived.
- If a process or process group is linked to another process or process group, the process does not need to first be unlinked, however any archived process that is still linked will not be able to be deleted until it is first unlinked. For information on how to remove a linked process or process group review the Remove a process link section.
- If the process is referenced in other processes you may review those processes using the Review affected processes link in the Archive Process screen.
Note: If you are using the Process and Document Approval Add-on, the archive request must be approved. For more information, see approve changes to a process.

Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. privilege is required.
When attempting to archive a process a dialog window may appear indicating which records the current process is linked to. If you wish to remove these links at this time each linked record has a hyperlink that will take you to that record so the process can be removed.
- From the dashboard, locate the process or process group the process is linked to.
- Select the process group the process is linked to. If the process is linked to a process, then select the process.
- Select the Edit tab.
- Select the Procedure option.
- The Procedure section shows all activities, tasks, and process links. Hover the mouse cursor over the linked process that needs to be removed.
- The trash and checkmark icons appear. To unlink the process click the trash icon. The process is removed as soon as the icon is clicked.
- Click the Save button.
- Continue removing the process link as necessary.

Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. privilege is required.
- Go to Processes > Archived.
- For the process you want to delete, click the trash can icon
in the Edit column.
If a process or process group is linked to another process or process group, the process must first be unlinked. For information on how to remove a linked process or process group review the Remove a process link section.
- Once completed the process is permanently deleted.

Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. privilege is required.
- Go to Processes > Archived.
- Select the process you want to restore and click
- Select the process group you want to restore the process to and click Select.
- Once completed, the process is restored and can then be accessed from Processes > All Processes

Navigate to a process.
- On the Map page, click Change Log. Scroll and find the process version you want to restore.
- In the Action column on the right, click Restore.
- Click Yes to confirm that you want to overwrite the current version with this historical version.
When a historical version is restored, the current process status changes to "In Progress" and the version number is incremented by 0.1.
For example, if your process is version 6.0 and is then restored to version 3.0, the In Progress process version is going to be 6.1. Once the process is published is going to be 7.0.