
While some Nintex Apps data components (including the Deck, Form List, and Table), offer optional search within the model the component is assigned to, the Search component allows end users to globally search specified fields across any object accessible through a Nintex Apps connection even those not represented by models on the Nintex Apps page.

Custom actions can be launched right from the Search bar using the Action Framework, for example, opening a record's detail page for the selected search result.

Using the Search Component

Note:  The content below assumes you have a Nintex Apps page and at least one working model.

Add the Search component to facilitate global search across multiple objects. Once the component is added to the page, set the properties:

  1. Set the Search properties. ( General tab)
  2. Identify which objects should be included in the search by adding them as a row action and add formatting for each model's header and displays. ( Return Objects tab)

That's it—now users can search for content across multiple objects, with the search results organized by object.

Set keystroke interactions

The Hotkeys tab allows for specifying how the Search component should react to certain keystrokes.

  • Many search engines utilize the enter or return keys to activate a particular action, such as navigating to a results page or navigating directly to the first result. This is made possible in the Search component through the Enter/Return keystroke actions subtab.

    Use this subtab to configure actions that trigger whenever the end user presses their enter or return keys while the Search component is in focus.

  • Want a way to access the search box quickly and easily from anywhere on the page? Create a hotkey using the properties in the Focus Hotkeys subtab. When a user types the key combination, the cursor will jump to the search box, allowing the user to begin typing their search text.

    Note:  Focus Hotkeys work when browsing the page. If the end user is in the middle of a process or interacting with an element on the page—editing a text field, for example—the hotkey combination will not migrate the end user to the search box.

Add actions

Use the Action Framework to add user-launched actions to the Search component's results list. Some examples of actions for the search bar include:

  • Launching a record detail page for the selected item
  • Opening an associated Nintex Apps page.
  • Opening an associated website page.

Types of actions available

Global actions

Actions created on the Search properties Global Action tab will appear as next to each search result and are activated by clicking their label or icon.

Object-specific actions

Object-specific actions are created on the Return Objects tab, under the specific return object. These work like the Global actions, but will only appear next to search results for the specific return object.

Enter/Return keystroke actions

These actions occur whenever the end user presses the Enter or Return keys while the Search component is in focus. They are configured within the Hotkeys > Enter/Return keystrokes subtab.

Best Practices

  • For a clean and streamlined user experience, place the Search Component into a custom header.
  • Use global actions when you want the end user to be able to launch a process for any item in the search returns list; use object-specific actions when you want them to launch actions that are specific to the object or connection.

{{searchValue}} merge variable

There are two primary merge variables made available by a Search component:

  • {{$Component.componentId.searchValue}} : For use outside of the current Search component. This global merge variable provides the current value the end user has entered within the Search component.

    Typically used within other Button Set components or action sequences.

  • {{searchValue}} : For use inside of the current Search component. This provides the current value the end user has entered within the Search component.

    Typically used within a Search component's global actions or Enter/Return keystroke actions.


Component properties