Page Include
Simple but powerful, the Page Include component pulls in another (separate) Nintex Apps page into the current Nintex Apps page. While it is a more complex component, the Page Include component unlocks a lot of potential, especially for larger applications:
- Improve runtime for complex pages by loading specific elements (components and models) only when they are needed.
- "Componentize" elements of your apps into separate pages, allowing them to be reused across different parts of the app.
- More easily configure different parts of a Nintex Apps app: instead of having to burrow into a component's action script to access a modal or sliding panel and then make changes to it, turn those elements into separate pages and add them to the current page using the Page Include component.
When describing the relationship between pages, the term container page refers to the Nintex Apps page that utilizes the Page Include component. The term included page refers to the Nintex Apps page that has been pulled into the page.
Using the Page Include Component
To include a Nintex Apps page within the Nintex Apps page you are currently building:
Add a Page Include component to the page.
In Nintex Apps, there are dependency mechanisms to ensure included pages cannot be deleted until all references to them within container pages and apps are removed. You can see where a page has been included on an app' detail screen and the Pages screen.
There are also checks in place to lock the Page name property on included pages. This is to ensure page references aren't broken. To rename an included page, you must remove any references to it in Page Include components.
- Ensure any pages included through this component use the same Design System. If not, the pages may have inconsistent theming and styles.
Note: Page Includes are not "place holders" for pages to be created later. Any pages referenced by a Page Include must be created before adding the Page Include component to the current page.
Component actions
Component actions are available using Run component action.
Load current page
Loads the selected Page Include.
- Load in background: If checked, subsequent actions in this action sequence can begin while the included page is being loaded. If unchecked, all subsequent actions hold until the included page is loaded.
- Show loading indicator: If checked, a loading indicator displays while the included page is being loaded.
Load new page
Loads a different page from the one already displayed into the Page Include.
- Nintex Apps page: The Nintex Apps page to load.
- Query string: The URL parameters to send along with the Page Include request. Values must be URL-encoded; multiple parameters are joined with an ampersand (&). This property accepts merge syntax.
Unloads the currently displayed Page Include.
Component properties

Type: ( Nintex Apps for Salesforce only*) Select the type of Page Include.
Nintex Apps page: The Page Include points to a specific Nintex Apps page.
Nintex Apps page: The name of the Nintex Apps page.
Query string ( optional ): The URL parameters to send along with the Page Include request. Values must be URL-encoded and multiple parameters are joined with an ampersand ( & ). (Accepts merge syntax.)
Note: This property is useful to set filterable conditions within the page include or pass data to model conditions. For example, two options to pass a record ID from a "parent" Nintex Apps page to the page within this component:
- Use URL parameters via merge syntax: id={{$Param.Id}}
- Use model values through merge syntax: id={{$Model.[modelnameof parent].data.0.Id}}&whatid={{$Model.[modelname].data.0.AccountId}}

Unique ID ( optional ): Nintex Apps automatically generates an alphanumeric ID for the component; if preferred, give it a practical name.
Note: A unique name will make it easier to locate the Page Include for later use.
Show loading indicator: if checked, a loading indicator (Loading...) will display when a page include is being updated or retrieving records.
Lazy Load (optional): If checked, Page Include will not load immediately. (This makes the host page load faster because the Page Include only loads when it receives a request from the end user.)
Note: Useful for situations where you want a Page Include initially "hidden" (such as when it's within a tab or as an option in a queue).

Standard display logic options are available to display or hide the component or feature.

When working with Page Include components, you may need to verify query strings or debug the component in other various ways. Use Chrome Developer Tools (specifically the Network tab):
- Open Developer Tools by right clicking the page and selecting Inspect, or using the hot keys (Windows: Ctrl + Shift + I ) (Mac: Cmd + Opt + I ).
- Click the Network tab.
- Click the XHR filter.
- Look for the request that begins with include?isinclude=true .
The customized parameters from the Query String field (or page assignment parameters if you selected that option ) appear here prepended by an ampersand (&). Check the parameters that are sent to the Page Include to find a solution to any issues.