Nintex Apps Model Field Metadata Object

The Nintex Apps Model Field Metadata Object is built on the server-side and is not a constructible type.

It is loosely based on the Apex DescribeFieldResult Class, but contains some name changes and Nintex Apps customizations.

Note:  All properties in the Field Metadata Object should be treated as read-only. Overwriting these values on the rendered page will result in undefined behavior and likely cause unexpected and undesirable results.



For String fields, the maximum allowed number of characters (not bytes). Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getLength().

Property Type Required Description
modelFieldMetadata.accessible boolean No

Indicates if the current user can see this field. Derived from Salesforce DescribeFieldResult.isAccessible().

modelFieldMetadata.autoNumber boolean No

Indicates if this field is an Auto Number. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isAutoNumber().

modelFieldMetadata.calculated boolean No

Indicates if this field is a custom formula field. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isCalculated().

modelFieldMetadata.controllingField string No

The name of the controlling field for a PICKLIST or MULTIPICKLIST field. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getController().

modelFieldMetadata.createable boolean No

Indicates if the current user can create the field.

For fields that belong to a readonly Model or represent the result of an aggregate function, createable will always evaluate to false.

Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isCreateable().

modelFieldMetadata.defaultValue object No

The default value for this field. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getDefaultValue()

modelFieldMetadata.digits integer No

For an Integer field, represents the maximum number of digits. Null for non-Integer fields. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getDigits().

modelFieldMetadata.displaytype string No

One of the Salesforce DisplayType enum values or, for DATETIME values displayed as DATE values, "DATE".

modelFieldMetadata.editable boolean No

Indicates if the current user can edit the field.

For fields that belong to a readonly Model or represent the result of an aggregate function, createable will always evaluate to false.

Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isUpdateable().

modelFieldMetadata.filterable boolean No

Indicates if the field can be used as part of the filter criteria of a WHERE statement. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isFilterable().

modelFieldMetadata.function string No

An aggregation function to apply to the field in a GROUP BY query. Expected values are:

  • null (the query is not aggregated)
  • "COUNT"
  • "SUM"
  • "MAX"
  • "MIN"
  • "AVG"
modelFieldMetadata.groupable boolean No

Indicates if the field can be included in the GROUP BY clause of a SOQL query. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isGroupable().

modelFieldMetadata.htmlFormatted boolean No

Indicates if the field has been formatted for HTML and should be encoded for display in HTML. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isHtmlFormatted(). string No

The field name used in Apex. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getName().

modelFieldMetadata.inlineHelpText string No

The context of the field-level help. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getInlineHelpText().

modelFieldMetadata.label string No

The text label that is displayed next to the field in the Salesforce user interface. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getLabel().

modelFieldMetadata.length Unknown Type No No description available. string No

Either the ID or, for aggregate queries, the alias of the field.

modelFieldMetadata.nameField boolean No

Indicates if the field is a name field. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isNameField().

modelFieldMetadata.namePointing boolean No

Indicates if the field can have multiple types of objects as parents. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isNamePointing().

modelFieldMetadata.orderByClause string No

For fields identifying a child relationship, defines the field names by which related records will be ordered. This property is ignored for regular fields.

modelFieldMetadata.picklistEntries object [ ] No

An array of picklist value objects. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getPicklistValues(). Each element within the array has the following properties:

  • value (string): The value of the Picklist Entry
  • label (string): The display value of the Picklist Entry
  • defaultValue (boolean): Indicates if the picklist entry should be selected by default.
modelFieldMetadata.precision integer No

For a Double field, the maximum number of digits that can be stored, including all numbers to the left and right of the decimal point. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getPrecision().

modelFieldMetadata.query boolean No

Indicates if the field was included in the query. If false, then only the metadata for the field was fetched.

modelFieldMetadata.recordsLimit integer No

For fields identifying a child relationship, defines the order of the maximum number of records to fetch. This property is ignored for regular fields.

modelFieldMetadata.ref string No

For reference fields, a comma-separated list of the Names of the sObjects which this field refers to. For example, a polymorphic lookup field to the Account, Contact, or User sObjects would be represented as "Account,Contact,User".

modelFieldMetadata.referenceTo Unknown Type No

Model Metadata Object

An array of Model Metadata Objects for the parent objects of this field. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getReferenceTo().

modelFieldMetadata.refprefix string No

For reference fields, a comma-separated list of the key prefixes of the sObjects which this field refers to. For example, a polymorphic lookup field to the Account, Contact, or User sObjects would be represented as "001,003,005".

modelFieldMetadata.rel string No

For reference fields, the name of the relationship. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getRelationshipName().

modelFieldMetadata.relationshipName string No

For reference fields, the name of the relationship. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getRelationshipName().

modelFieldMetadata.required boolean No

Indicates if a value is required for this field before it can be saved to the database.

For fields that belong to a readonly Model or represent the result of an aggregate function or belong to a related object, required will always evaluate to false.

Otherwise, if the field is createable by the current user, does not allow null values and does not have a default value, then required will evaluate to true.

modelFieldMetadata.scale integer No

For a Double field, the maximum number of decimal digits (digits to the right of the decimal) that will be returned. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.getScale().

modelFieldMetadata.sortable boolean No

Indicates if this field can be used in an ORDER BY clause. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeFieldResult.isSortable().

modelFieldMetadata.subConditionLogic string No

For a field defining a child relationship in the Model, defines the logic to use when combining the conditions.

Example: "(1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4)"

modelFieldMetadata.subConditions Unknown Type No

Model Condition Metadata Object

For a field defining a child relationship in the Model, an array of Condition Metadata Objects applied to the child relationship.

modelFieldMetadata.subFields Unknown Type No

Model Field Metadata Object

For a field defining a child relationship in the Model, an array of Field Metadata Objects that describe the fields to include from the child relationship.

modelFieldMetadata.type string No

For a field representing a relationship with another sObject, defines the type of relationship. One of:

  • No Relationship: in most cases null, though under some circumstances a zero-length string ("")
  • Child Relationship: "childRelationship"