Nintex Apps Model Metadata Object

The Nintex Apps Model Metadata Object is built on the server-side and is not a constructible type.

It is loosely based on the Apex DescribeSObjectResult Class, but contains some name changes and Nintex Apps customizations.

If the object's metadata could not be accessed, then accessible will evaluate to false and some properties may not be initialized (contain null).

Note:  All properties in the Model Metadata Object should be treated as read-only. Overwriting these values on the rendered page will result in undefined behavior and likely cause unexpected and undesirable results.


Property Type Required Description
accessible boolean No

For valid objects, indicates if the current user can see the sObject. Always evaluates to false for invalid objects. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isAccessible().

childRelationships Unknown Type No

Model Child Relationship Metadata Object

An array of Child Relationship Metadata Objects. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.getChildRelationships().

createable boolean No

Indicates if the current user can create the object. Always evaluates to false for readonly and aggregate Models. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isCreateable().

deleteable boolean No

Indicates if the current user can delete the object. Always evaluates to false for readonly and aggregate Models. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isDeleteable().

isCustom boolean No

Indicates whether the object is a custom object (vs a standard object). Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isCustom().

isCustomSetting boolean No

Indicates whether the object is a custom setting. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isCustomSetting().

isFeedEnabled boolean No

Indicates if Chatter feeds are enabled for the object. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isFeedEnabled().

isQueryable boolean No

Indicates if the object can be queried by the current user. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isQueryable().

isSearchable boolean No

Indicates if the object is searchable by the current user. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isSearchable().

keyPrefix string No

The three character prefix code for the object. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.getKeyPrefix().

label string No

For basic queries, a string containing the object's label. For aggregate queries, "Result". Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.getLabel().

labelPlural string No

For basic queries, a string containing the object's plural label. For aggregate queries, "Results". Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.getLabelPlural().

objectName string No

The sObject Type API Name as defined in the Page Designer, e.g. "My_Custom_Object__c".

recordTypeInfos Unknown Type No

Model Record Type Metadata Object

An array of Record Type Metadata Objects associated with the Model. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.getRecordTypeInfos().

updateable boolean No

Indicates if the current user can update the object. Always evaluates to false for readonly and aggregate Models. Derived from Salesforce's DescribeSObjectResult.isUpdateable().