Nintex Apps Model Child Relationship Metadata Object

The Nintex Apps Model Child Relationship Object is built on the server-side and is not a constructible type.

It is loosely based on the Apex ChildRelationship Class, but contains some name changes and Nintex Apps customizations.

Note:  All properties in the Child Relationship Metadata Object should be treated as read-only. Overwriting these values on the rendered page will result in undefined behavior and likely cause unexpected and undesirable results.


Property Type Required Description
childSObject string No

The API name of the child sObject on which there is a foreign key back to the parent sObject. Derived from Salesforce's ChildRelationship.getChildSObject().

field string No

The API name of the field that has a foreign key back to the parent sObject. Derived from Salesforce's ChildRelationship.getField().

relationshipName string No

The name of the relationship. Derived from Salesforce's ChildRelationship.getRelationshipName().