Component workflow tokens
An administrator role is required. For information, see User roles.
Use the Component workflow tokens page to manage tokens that are used by external workflows and applications to start component workflows. Tokens are created by publishing a workflow with a component workflow type start event.
Note: You cannot use the Component workflow tokens page to manage personal access tokens or application tokens for the API.
Access the Component workflow tokens page
On the top navigation bar, click Settings.
The License and subscription page appears.
From the menu on the left, click Component Workflow Tokens.
View, revoke, refresh, regenerate, and delete component workflow tokens

Note: Only active tokens are available for viewing. For each component workflow, only the latest token is shown.
Open the Component workflow tokens page: Click Settings and then click Component workflow tokens.
- Click
next to the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints.
- URL with token
- Token
- Request header(s)
- Request body
A dialog box appears listing the following information:

See Component workflow tokens fields and selections for descriptions of each field on the page.

Component workflow tokens expire after one (1) year. You can refresh the life of an existing token. After the token is refreshed, you don't have to update the token where it's called.
- Open the Component workflow tokens page: Click Settings and then click Component workflow tokens.
- Click
next to the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints. The Component workflow dialog is displayed.
Note: Alternately, you can open the component workflow dialog from the Workflows page. Click (Options)next to the name of the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints.
- Click
next to the Token field, and select Refresh from the menu.
- Click Refresh to confirm.
A message appears asking you to confirm the action.

Caution: Revoking a token causes external workflows and applications that start the component workflow to fail.
- Open the Component workflow tokens page: Click Settings and then click Component workflow tokens.
- Click
next to the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints. The Component workflow dialog is displayed.
Note: Alternately, you can open the component workflow dialog from the Workflows page. Click (Options)next to the name of the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints.
- Click
next to the Token field, and select Revoke from the menu.
- Click Revoke to confirm.
A message appears asking you to confirm the action.
The token is revoked, invalidating its use in any API requests.
See Component workflow tokens fields and selections for descriptions fields on the page.

Component workflow tokens expire after one (1) year. The tokens of component workflows that are close to expiring or have already expired must be regenerated. Component workflows that are close to expiring will have a warning icon and workflows that have already expired will have a red error icon appearing against the workflow name to make them easily identifiable.
Caution: Regenerating a token replaces the current active token, which will be invalid in 24 hours. Regenerating a token that is revoked or expired will make the component workflow become available for external start again. Ensure to update the external workflows or applications that call the component workflow with the new token, or else they will fail.
- This option is available only for users with an administrator role.
- Workflows that use the Call a workflowaction A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to call a Component workflow are not impacted by the workflow tokens.
Open the Component workflow tokens page: Click Settings and then click Component workflow tokens. Component workflows that are close to expiring will have a warning icon and workflows that have already expired will have a red error icon appearing against the workflow name to make them easily identifiable.
- Click
next to the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints. The Component workflow dialog is displayed.
Note: Alternately, you can open the component workflow dialog from the Workflows page. Click (Options)next to the name of the component workflow, and then select {.} API endpoints.
- Click
next to the Token field and select Regenerate from the menu.
- Click Regenerate to confirm.
The token becomes regenerated and the component workflow is valid for external start again.
- Update the new regenerated token in your application to complete the process.

Caution: Deleting a token causes external workflows and applications that use it to start the component workflow to fail.
- Open the Component workflow tokens page: Click Settings and then click Component workflow tokens.
- Click
next to the component workflow, and then select Delete.
- Click Delete to confirm.
The token is deleted, invalidating its use in any API requests.
- A token with an active component workflow can be deleted. After deletion, the workflow that initiates the component workflow will not be able to start it. To resolve this, republish the component workflow or create a new token. For more information, see Regenerate component workflow tokens.
- The delete option is available only to global administrators and automation administrators.

Selection (or column or field) | Description |
Workflow name |
The name of the component workflow which the token belongs to. |
Status |
Status of token:
Expiry |
Expiration date of the token. |
Created by |
Full name of the person who created the token. |
Lists the following selections: