Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Workflow and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.

The API is a service for finding UK postal addresses based on the postcode entered. You can also find the distance in meters between two postcodes. In the context of Nintex Workflow, is a connector A software component that allows seamless integration with third-party services, business applications, and content stores. Examples include Salesforce, Box, and Microsoft SharePoint. Connectors are used to create connections required for workflow actions and start events.. The connector is used to create connections for actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process.. The connector can be used to list the businesses within a post code for marketing purposes. Use the Find address action in a workflow to retrieve details about an address. Use the Get addresses by post code action to retrieve a list of addresses at a postcode. Use the Get distance action to retrieve the distance in meters between two post codes.

For more information on see the company website.

Create a connection

Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.

Complete the following fields when creating the connection:



Connection name A name for your new connection.
API Key An access key generated by the site specific to your email address/account. account requirements

  • The account you use to create a connection for is the account that has access to the actions.
  • You need an API key to create a connection. Get an API key based on your plan (free or paid) from the website.