SharePoint Online - Remove user from SharePoint group
Use the SharePoint Online - Remove user from SharePoint group action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to remove a user from a SharePoint user group in SharePoint Online.
For more information about the SharePoint Online connector, go to SharePoint Online.
Configure the SharePoint Online - Remove user from SharePoint group action
The Group Settings and Membership Requests setting for the selected SharePoint Online group must be configured as given below for the action to run successfully. For more information about SharePoint site permissions, see SharePoint site permissions.
- Group Setting: If the connection used to connect to the SharePoint Online site is not for the owner of the group, select Group Members for the Group setting Who can edit the membership of the group.
- Membership Requests: Under Membership Requests for the group, select Yes for the Allow requests to join/leave this group.
Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.
Select a SharePoint Online Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
Note: Only the connections created with the Administration authentication method will be available in the drop-down list. For more information about authentication methods for SharePoint Online connections, see Authentication methods for SharePoint Online connections.
Type the SharePoint site URL that contains the group you want to remove a user from.
Specify the name of the SharePoint group you want to remove a user from.
Type the email address of the user to remove in the User email address (principal name) field.
SharePoint Online -Remove user from SharePoint action fields and settings
Section | Field | Description | Variable types |
(unlabeled) |
SharePoint Online connection to use to access the SharePoint Online site. To refresh the available connections, click . |
(n/a) | |
SharePoint site URL |
The URL of the SharePoint Online site that has the group you want to remove a user from. Type the SharePoint site URL. Example: |
Boolean, Collection, DateTime, Decimal, Integer, Text |
SharePoint group |
The SharePoint group from which you want to remove a user.
The Group Settings and Membership Requests setting for the selected SharePoint Online group must be configured as given below for the action to run successfully. For more information about SharePoint site permissions, see SharePoint site permissions.
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection |
User email address (principal name) |
The email address of the user you want to remove from the group. Example: |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection |
Output | Result |
Stores the result of the action in an object with the following variables:
Object |