
Nintex Workflow has the following limits to maximize stability and performance. Limit levels are significantly higher than typical usage for most customers. If you anticipate exceeding the limits, reach out to your account manager to discuss alternative solutions or best practices. For additional workflow design best practices, see Best practices when designing workflows.

These limits are product limits, not license entitlements, which vary based on the type of license package you have. If you need details about your usage and feature entitlements, reach out to your Nintex Account Manager. For license information, see Licensing and packages.

User and authentication limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Platform Custom domains in an organization 150 The number includes both verified and pending domains.
Platform Groups in a tenant 200 The maximum number of groups that can be created per tenant.
Platform Groups in a tenant that a user can be a member of 20 The maximum number of groups a user can be a member of in one tenant.
Platform Client applications per tenant 200 The maximum number of apps that can be created per tenant.
Platform Personal access tokens per tenant 200 The maximum number of personal access tokens that can be created per tenant.

Xtensions and connections limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Xtensions Connections per tenant 1,000 The maximum number of connections that can be created for a tenant.
Xtensions Data lookups in a tenant 200 The maximum number of data lookups that can be created per tenant.

Forms limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Runtime Total file upload size across all upload controls 625 MB

The maximum combined size of all files uploaded to file upload controls in a form. Up to 25 MB per file. Up to 25 files.

Designer Controls in a design 1,500 The maximum number of form controls that can be in a form design.
Designer Maximum number of pages 10 The maximum number of pages that can be in a form.
Designer Maximum number of rules 500 The maximum number of rules that can be in a form.
Designer Maximum number of variables 500 The maximum number of variables that can be in a form.
Designer Maximum number of rows in a repeating section 50 The maximum number of rows that can be in a repeating section in a form.

Workflow limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Engine Action executions 10,000 The maximum number of action executions in a workflow. This is not the number of actions, but the number of action executions. For example, a single loop action with 100 iterations would result in 100 action executions.
Engine Maximum duration of a workflow 1 year The maximum duration the workflow can be in progress.
Engine Maximum iterations of a loop 1,000 The maximum number of iterations in a loop.
Engine Workflow variable size 100 MB The maximum size of all variables in a workflow. If a workflow contains variables totaling in excess of this value, it will terminate.
Emails Send an email and Assign a task to multiple users actions 30,000 / day The maximum number of emails that can be sent per day from Send an email or Assign a task to multiple users.
Send an email action Maximum size of email 20 MB The total size of the email body content and attachments. If the email exceeds this limit, the action fails, which causes the instance to fail.
Engine Workflow payload size 500 MB The amount of stored data generated by the workflow. For example, a workflow stores generated output data objects — through actions like querying a list — to be used throughout the workflow.
Workflow design Workflow definition size 25 MB The total size of the workflow definition, including all action configuration and forms that are part of the workflow. Users cannot save or publish workflows if the limit is exceeded.
Workflow design Version history 100 The maximum number of workflow versions displayed in version history.
Start Workflow Events SaaS provider with polling 5 minutes If webhooks are not supported, the event manager will poll to the SaaS provider at the end of every 5 minutes.
Start workflow events and workflow resume action events Maximum number of event evaluations 5 million event evaluations per hour per event source

This limit represents the maximum number of event evaluations processed per hour per event source. If this limit is exceeded, new events will be blocked from processing, and blocked events will be discarded. To maintain system stability, the block will last for several hours until the Event Manager processes the backlog of event evaluations and unblocks further processing.

Start workflow limits

Product area Functionality Value (Standard and Trial) Value (Enterprise) Value (Workflow Essentials) Value (Professional ) Value (Expert) Details

Maximum number of workflow starts (includes calls to component workflows)

The value varies based on license type.

1,000 / hour

10,000 / hour 1,000 / hour 10,000 / hour 10,000 / hour The maximum number of triggered workflows that can start per hour. Once the limit is reached, event-triggered workflows are queued and retried in the next hour (resume events are excluded from this limit), and no new externally-started* workflows can start until the next hour. The returned header message will provide the time after which the workflows can be retried.
Engine Start event payload size 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB The maximum size of start event data. For example, the size of metadata included in a SharePoint Online start event payload. Any workflows with a too-large payload will fail on start.

* An externally-started workflow is one for which the start is triggered by another workflow or an NWC API call.

Tasks limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Tasks Maximum duration of a task 1 year The maximum duration of a task.

Storage limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Tenant data storage Workflow instance files 10 GB (10000 MB) / tenant Used for storage of files for workflow execution when the File upload storage setting is set to Indefinite.

Table limits

Product area Functionality Value Details
Table Tables per tenant 5000 The maximum number of tables that can be created per tenant.
Table Columns per table 25 The maximum number of columns per table.
Table Rows per table 50000 The maximum number of rows per table.
Table Text column character limit 500 The maximum number of characters that can be entered in a column of type Text.
Table Rows returned by Query a table action 1000 The maximum number of rows returned by the Query a table action.
Table Rows that can be updated in a table using the Update rows action 1000 The maximum number of rows that can be updated in a table with the Update rows action.
Table Rows that can be deleted in a table using the Delete rows action 1000 The maximum number of rows that can be deleted in a table with the Delete rows action.
Table Maximum number of requests 600

The maximum number of table requests that can be executed in 1 minute.

To change this limit for your tenant, contact customer support.

Table Column sorting per table 10 The maximum number of columns you can sort in a table.
Table Number of characters in the Text-Long columns 10000 The maximum number of characters you can enter in table column with Text-Long data type.

Workflow throttling

Throttling is common in cloud services and follows the principle that when a resource is requested too many times in a defined period, future requests will be throttled (slowed) or denied (terminated) to ensure other users get fair access to the resource. It is enacted by a third-party application (like SharePoint or Salesforce) due to high tenant usage and can often result in error 429. Throttling may occur if any of the limits noted above are exceeded. While this is uncommon, the following best practices can help to prevent workflow throttling.

Add specific workflow start event conditions

Your workflow might be triggered to start every time an item is modified, which can cause a lot of starts depending on the volume of data and how frequently items are changed. If your workflow only needs to run when certain conditions are met for item modifications, you can add those conditions into the trigger conditions of the workflow.

Stagger or reduce the number of workflow starts per hour

Consider staggering major events within your organization to spread out or normalize the workflow starts. For example, if all employees will be required to fill out a form, send the form to groups of employees at different hours throughout the day or after business hours so that not all employees will fill out the form in the same hour. If using the Nintex Workflow API, reduce the number of starts per hour via the Nintex Workflow API.

Reduce the frequency of your workflow starts

Consider reducing the frequency of workflow starts by scheduling them based on conditions. For example, if you have a non-critical or non-urgent workflow which runs whenever an item is modified, you can instead schedule the workflow to run during low traffic times (such as after business hours) if you update it to first query your list for all modified items since the last scheduled workflow run.

Reduce loops or add a pause

If calling component workflows within your main workflow (a call to a component workflow counts as a workflow start), reduce the number of loops as much as possible to reduce the number of starts, and add a Pause for duration action to the workflow after approximately 20 iterations (this number can vary). Add the Pause for duration action inside of a conditional Run if true action within the loop. (For example, after every 20 iterations of the loop, the workflow will pause for 1 minute.)

Avoid looping workflow start events.