Change error handling settings

Workflows can fail due to resolvable errors such as a broken connection, an item that no longer exists, a file with the same name already exists, or an issue in a third-party service. When such failures occur, running the workflow again is costly and unnecessary if the failure can be fixed. Error handling provides a way for workflow designers to address these failures and resume the workflow instance from where it paused.

You can set the error handling settings for each workflow to manage how instances with resolvable errors are handled. When a workflow instance encounters a resolvable error, it's either failed or paused, depending on the workflow settings. Opting for the fail option will fail the instance when any error is encountered. Choosing the pause option will pause the workflow when a resolvable error occurs, allowing the workflow designer to either investigate and resolve the error before resuming the workflow instance from where it paused or fail the instance.

  • Paused workflows trigger alerts that are sent to recipients specified in the Alerts page. The maximum number of alerts sent per hour for a workflow is 12. This includes all instance failure alerts and error handing related errors. For more information, see Alerts.

  • The Error handling setting for new workflows is set to Pause the instance by default.

Change the error handling settings of a workflow

  1. Open the workflow.

  2. On the toolbar, click Settings.

    The Settings panel is displayed.

  3. Click the Error handling tab.

  4. Select an option from the On action error options.

    • Fail the instance: This option ends the workflow instance if an error is encountered. The instance is failed and the workflow instance status is updated to Failed.

    • Pause the instance: This option will pause the workflow instance if a resolvable error is encountered. Pausing the instance will allow the workflow designer to investigate the error, resolve it, and resume the workflow instance. The workflow designer also has the option to investigate the error and fail the instance if necessary. When the instance is paused, the workflow instance status is updated to Paused. You can take steps to resolve the paused instances via the Instance details page. For more information, see Error handling and resolving paused instances.

      Important:  All instances, including paused instances, are terminated when they reach a 1-year running time. Once the one-year mark is reached, the status will switch to Failed. After the status changes to Failed, you can only resubmit or delete data. See Resubmit a workflow.