Nintex eSign - Get a signature

Use the Nintex eSign - Get a signature action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to send a document for signing.

For more information about the Nintex eSign connector, go to Nintex eSign.

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Configure the Nintex eSign - Get a signature action

Note: This action uses a Nintex eSign template. If you do not already have a template, create one using the steps in Working With Simple Setup Templates.

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  1. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
  1. Select the Account.
  2. Select the Template.
  3. Configure the template Document, Signers, Authentication, and remaining Sender Inputs.
  4. Create or select a variable for the output.

Nintex eSign - Get a signature action fields and settings




Variable types


Connection Credentials and other settings required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

The Nintex eSign connection to use to send the documents to be signed.

To refresh the available connections, click .



The Nintex eSign account to send the documents from.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

The Nintex eSign template to use for the documents and signers' details.

If you do not already have a template, create one using the steps in Working With Simple Setup Templates.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

The documents to be signed.

If you leave this field blank, this action uses the documents from the template, along with the JotBlocks created for those documents.

If you add documents in this action, they will overwrite the documents in the selected template. You can then assign JotBlocks dynamically to place the JotBlock within your document at the location of the added tag. For example, add a simple dynamic JotBlock to your document, like {{!##{Name:"Customer Signature"}##!}} where “Customer Signature” is the name of the JotBlock from the template. For more information, see Defining JotBlocks Through Embedded Text Tags.


The number of signers is defined by the Nintex eSign template. Specify the Signer details for each signer defined by the template sender inputs.

Note: The fields in this section are retrieved from the template and so will vary.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

Specify the Authentication details required by the template for the signers of the documents, for example, the Signing password or SMS two factor authentication valid phone number.

Note: The fields in this section are retrieved from the template and so will vary.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

If the template has attachments, the Instructions fields show here. Hard coded values are displayed, you can enter instructions for placeholder values.

Note: The fields in this section are retrieved from the template and so will vary.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
  Sender inputs

The sender inputs of a template cover four main areas - signers, authentication, attachments, and then miscellaneous or other. These remaining Sender inputs are the other inputs defined in the template.

Note: The fields in this section are retrieved from the template and so will vary.

The variable type depends on the input type in the template.
Output Results

Stores the result of the action as an object. The following values are returned:

  • Account display name: (Text)
  • Declining signatory: (Text)
  • Declining signatory feedback: (Text)
  • Envelope: (Object)
    • Envelope ID: (Text) You can use this to provide the Envelope ID for a Nintex eSign - Get a signed document action.
    • Envelope name: (Text)
    • Envelope order number: (Text)
    • Envelope start date: (Text)
    • Envelope status: (Text) Returns one of the following values:
      • cancelled
      • completed
      • declined
      • expired
      • in_progress
      • signer_authentication_failed

      These values can be used within a workflow to branch after the Get a signature action.

    • Envelope status code: (Text) Returns one of the following values:
      • ECL (Envelope Closed)

      • EST (Envelope Started)

      • ECO (Envelope Completed)

      • ECA (Envelope Canceled)

      • ESD (Envelope Declined)

      • EEX (Envelope Expired)

      • SAF (Signer Authentication Failed)

    • Envelope completion date: (Text)
    • Envelope declined date: (Text)
    • Envelope expiration date: (Text)
    • Envelope creation date: (Text)
    • Envelope canceled date: (Text)
  • Final document link: (Text)

See Nintex eSign API - Submit for more details.
