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Nintex Workflow 2013 > Workflow Actions
Search Query

* This topic applies to Nintex Workflow Enterprise Edition only

* This action requires Microsoft SharePoint Server

This workflow action will retrieve property values by performing a SharePoint search query.

To use the workflow action:

  • Locate the action in Workflow Actions Toolbox (located on the left hand-side);
    • Click on the Category listings to reveal the actions; OR
    • Search for the action using a keyword.
  • Select the action, drag it onto the design canvas and drop it onto a design pearl.


  • Left-clicking the pearl, mouse-over Insert Action and then the Categories to reveal the actions, click the required action from the list.

To change the settings used by the action:

  • On the action’s title click the down arrow to activate a drop-down
  • Select Configure; OR
  • Double-click the action's icon.

For more information on the other options in the drop-down, please refer to the Getting started with the Nintex Workflow designer.


Options within this action

Search scope

The search scope to use for the query.

Search for

Searches for SharePoint content that has properties matching the criteria. Individual words should be separated by a space character.

Result type

Specify a file type filter for the search. A pre-defined file type can be selected, or a custom filter entered into the text input box. To retrieve all file types, select 'all results' or clear the text input box.

Property restrictions

Allows further narrowing of the search results by only returning items where the property restriction rules are true.

Properties to return

Determines which property data will be retrieved from the search result. Multiple properties can be selected.

Results as XML

This option specifies whether to return the result set in an XML string. Returning the results as XML allows further processing and styling to be applied with the Query XML workflow action. A text workflow variable must be chosen to store the result if Return as XML is selected.

Store result in

Specifies the workflow variable to store the search results in. If the workflow variable can only hold a single value, only the first property of the first search result will be returned. If a collection variable is selected, each property of each search result is stored.