Step Start

Step start is a mandatory action that is added by default. It is triggered at the beginning of the step, and cannot be moved or removed.

Step start enables you to view the step's opening event, and to set an opening command for the selected step by selecting an option from the When starts dropdown list.

Step start properties

Step Start contains the following properties:

  • Name: a label that identifies the step

  • Step start action: determines which command to trigger when the selected step begins

  • Options: additional options related to Step start


Step names are labels that identify a wizard step according to its purpose. Step names are generated automatically by Studio (when possible) or left blank (when not), and can be customized by the RPA developer. Each step name is visible to end users in the following locations:

  • Published Wizards in Nintex Robot:

    • Sample screenshots in the search bar or catalog:

    • Do It/Guide Me from a selected step:

    • Paused step image:

  • Wizards Exported to Documents: Wizards exported to Word and PowerPoint documents whose template includes the step name

Sensor step names are not visible to end users in Nintex Robot.

To customize the name of the selected step:

  1. From the Flow Pane, access the Step start Properties Pane

  2. In the Name field of the Properties tab, type a name for the step

The updated step name appears in the Navigation Pane under the step thumbnail:

Step start action

The Step start action (labeled When starts) enables you to set one of the following commands with which to open the selected step:

  • Continue:When the step begins, the wizard continues the flow to trigger other actions in the step in the order determined by the RPA developer.

  • Advanced commands: When the step begins, the wizard triggers a predefined set of advanced commands. When the advanced commands are completed, the wizard continues by executing the next actions in the step flow.

To set the selected step's Step start action:

  1. In the Flow tab of the Flow Pane, select the desired command from the When starts dropdown list that appears under Step start


The following sections describe additional Step start options available from the Properties tab of the Properties Pane.

Enable/disable step

The Play this step checkbox enables you to disable a step without removing it from the wizard. This is useful when you do not need to play a step in a wizard but want to keep it for future use or reference.

  • In Diagram View, disabled steps are always completely hidden and cannot be shown.

Valid wizard start points

Studio enables you to determine whether the selected step will serve as a valid starting point for the wizard, that is, whether the user can choose to start the wizard from this step. This option is controlled from the checkbox labeled This step is a valid start point for this wizard.

Step start fallbacks

The Step start fallback events are:

  • Step start fallbacks are not available for embedded or launched wizards

  • The Fallbacks tab of the Step start Properties Pane is indicated by the Fallbacks icon