Fallback Events

Depending on the step action for which you are defining the fallback, you can specify a fallback command for the following events:

  • Window not found:

    • The robot attempts to detect the window in which the action is performed. If the robot fails to detect the window, it triggers this fallback. The default fallback is an error message.

    • For Step start actions, the robot attempts to detect the window in which the step occurs before the step starts. If the robot fails to detect the window, it performs a fallback. The default fallback is an error message.

    • For Bubble actions, the robot attempts to detect the window on which to run the step, after the step starts and before the core action is performed. This might occur because the bubble precedes the core action and blocks the window, or because the user closes the window while the bubble is shown. If the robot fails to detect the window, it performs a fallback. The default fallback is an error message.

  • Window blocked: This fallback event handles dialog boxes opened by the application that block access to the recorded window

  • Window closed: This fallback event handles scenarios in which the recorded window was initially detected successfully, but was closed in the middle of the step

  • Object not found: The robot attempts to detect the click position before it performs the action. If the robot fails to detect the click position, it performs a fallback. The default fallback is an error message.

  • Object changed: This fallback event is available for anchored bubbles only

  • Object hidden: This fallback event is available for anchored bubbles only

  • Wizard not found: This fallback event is available for embedded or launched wizards only

  • Wizard ended unsuccessfully: This fallback event is available for embedded or launched wizards only