Bubble Buttons

User-controlled bubbles contain interactive buttons that determine how to continue the wizard flow (i.e., each button is assigned a command that tells the wizard what action to perform when the user clicks it).

A bubble can contain an unlimited number of buttons, but none are required.

  • If a bubble does not contain at least one button, it is considered robot-controlled, and you can configure its behavior by showing/hiding the bubble under specific conditions in the step

  • By default, a bubble contains one Next button, set to continue to the next step action when clicked

Bubble button properties are managed from the Buttons tab of the Properties Pane:

Adding buttons to a bubble

To add a button:

  1. In the Buttons tab of the Properties Pane, click the + Add link

A button is added to the bubble, with the caption New button.

Deleting buttons

To delete a button:

  1. In the Buttons tab of the Properties Pane, select the button you want to delete

  2. Click the Delete link

The button is deleted from the bubble.


The caption is the text that appears on the button. Be sure to give each button within a bubble a unique caption.

When clicked

From the When clicked dropdown box, select a command to be assigned to the button:

  • Continue: When the button is clicked, the wizard continues to the next step action. This is the default setting.

  • Go to step: When the button is clicked, the wizard goes to the step in the wizard flow that you specify. This command is useful when there is a decision point in the wizard flow and the user must choose between several paths.

  • End wizard successfully: When the button is clicked, the wizard ends with a scenario reported as successful. This command is useful when you want to end the wizard early in the flow, or to create a decision point that splits the wizard flow into multiple paths. If the wizard is an embedded wizard (that is, a wizard inserted as a building block into the flow of the current wizard), the flow continues with the containing wizard’s success scenario as defined by the RPA developer.

  • End wizard unsuccessfully: When the button is clicked, the wizard ends with a scenario reported as unsuccessful. Unsuccessful is not considered a failure, but rather an ending that the RPA developer chose to design as an alternative ending to the wizard. This command is useful when you want to end the wizard before the end of the flow, or to create a decision point that splits the wizard flow into multiple paths. If the wizard is an embedded wizard (that is, a wizard inserted as a building block into the flow of the current wizard), the flow continues with the containing wizard’s alternative scenario as defined by the RPA developer.

  • Advanced commands: When the button is clicked, the wizard triggers a predefined set of advanced commands. When the advanced commands are completed, the wizard continues by executing the next step action.

Single button options

The following options can be configured for each individual button in a bubble:

Validate input fields

Tick/clear the Validate input fields checkbox to determine whether to enforce field validation.

Auto proceed after [X] seconds

Tick/clear the Auto proceed checkbox to determine whether the robot should automatically click the bubble button if the user doesn't click a button within a few seconds after the bubble appears on his screen.

  • When using this option, enter the number of seconds the robot should wait before proceeding

  • During runtime, this option is indicated by a countdown indicator on the button:

Proceed by key

Tick the Proceed by key checkbox to activate a keyboard shortcut for the button.

  • When this option is used, the user can "press" the bubble button by pressing the keyboard key assigned to the button (or by clicking it with the mouse, as any regular button)

  • The keyboard shortcut keys that can be assigned are TAB or ENTER

  • During runtime, this option is indicated by the keyboard shortcut name under the button:

Require mouse/keyboard action to proceed

Tick the Require mouse/keyboard action to proceed checkbox to require user interaction with the application before allowing him to click the button to close the bubble (i.e., the button is disabled until the user performs a mouse click or keystroke in the application).

  • When using this option, select whether to require a mouse click, a keyboard stroke, or either

  • During runtime, this option results in the following if the user attempts to click the button before performing a click or keystroke in the application:

    • The bubble text jiggles and the bubble stays in place

    • The button command does not occur

    • A yellow bar appears under the bubble, providing users with the option to continue despite not having interacted with the application:

Group Button Options

The following options can be applied collectively to all buttons in a bubble:

Lock buttons for [X] seconds

Tick the Lock buttons for [X] seconds to disable the bubble buttons for a configurable number of seconds after the bubble appears on the user's screen. (i.e., the user cannot click the button during that time).

  • When using this option, enter the number of seconds the buttons should remain locked

  • During runtime, this feature is indicated by grayed-out buttons and a countdown indicator at the top of the bubble:

Save clicked button to user runtime actions

Tick this checkbox is selected to report usage statistics for any button clicked in that bubble by the user. This report is available in theNintex Report Generator under User Runtime Actions.

Pop-out buttons

Applicable to anchored bubbles only.

Tick the Pop-out buttons checkbox to move the bubble’s buttons from the bubble onto the screen, providing a more intuitive experience when user input is required.

  • When using this option, select the desired button location from the dropdown list (relative to the anchored object’s highlight box)

Bubble events

For each anchored bubble that is set to hide On button click, you can optionally add commands for when certain events occur:

  • Object click: The user clicks the bubble’s detected object

  • Object hover: The user hovers above the bubble’s detected object

To add commands for bubble events:

  1. Tick the checkbox(es) for the event(s) to which you want to assign a command

  2. From the dropdown box, select the command you want to assign to the event.
    The available commands are same as the When clicked button commands