Usage Reports

The Nintex Report Generator enables you to generate reports according to the type of usage data you want to view. Each report can be filtered by parameters such as dates, output type, and wizard libraries.

Report types

The following are the available reports:


  • Wizard Use: Displays wizard usage statistics such as the number of answered queries, wizard success rates, failed wizards, and library usage over a specific time range

  • Unanswered Queries: Lists queries for which the user did not get search results, or got results but did not play any wizard

  • Full Catalog (List): Displays success and feedback statistics for each wizard, listed by the wizard’s path in the catalog

  • User Runtime Actions: Displays clicks on bubble buttons or other actions which you chose to report on when developing the wizard


  • Sensor Activity: Displays a read receipt for each sensor, listed by username

  • User Runtime Actions: Displays clicks on bubble buttons or other actions which you chose to report on when developing the wizard


  • Active Users: Displays the total number of wizards played by each user

  • Login History: Displays the number of total and first-time logins by Nintex users over a specific time range

  • User Management Audit: Displays the actions performed on user accounts in Admin Tool such as user creation, password reset and user deletion

  • User Login Audit: Displays user actions relating to login such as password changes, failed logins and login history

  • Registered Users: Displays a brief summary of user registration, login and content development activities

Generating reports

Follow these steps to generate a report:

  1. From the Studio menu bar, select Tools > Report Generator

  2. The Nintex Report Generator window appears

  3. In the Report Library pane, select the type of report to generate

  4. The Report Parameters pane appears, containing the relevant parameters for the selected report

  5. In the Report Parameters pane, select the parameters by which to filter your report.

  6. To see run data information of Studio users, simply mark the Initiation Source in the search parameters (Studio and / or Sensor from Studio)

  7. Click Get Report

  8. The report you selected appears in the Report Viewer pane, filtered by the specified parameters

Working with reports

To return to the Report Library pane and select a different report type, click Back.

Use the toolbar at the top of the Report Viewer pane to navigate, save, or print your report: