More About Object Blocks

The following properties (and, therefore, tabs in the Properties Pane) are relevant only to object blocks:

Object block position

Object block display

In Studio, the position of an object block is visible in the Display Pane, indicated by a blue dot and the purple block icon :

At wizard runtime, object blocks are:

  • invisible when run from Nintex Robot

  • indicated by a purple bounding box when run from Studio

Object blocks & object detection

Object block position is determined using object detection. Therefore, an object block's position properties are essentially identical to core action position properties – including the ability to apply an offset.

In the context of object blocks, the detected object is called the Block Object.
Viewing & customizing block location

The precise size and location of an object block is automatically detected when you create the block and/or apply an offset. You can view and edit this location as required.

To view the current location of the block:

  1. Go the Position tab of the Properties Pane

  2. In the Surrounding box section, click Show

The surrounding box appears temporarily (in orange) in the Display Pane.

To adjust the location of the block:

  1. Go the Position tab of the Properties Pane

  2. In the Surrounding box section, click Customize
    The purple surrounding box appears in the Display Pane.
  3. Drag and resize the box as necessary

Restoring the default block location

To restore the default block location:

  1. Go the Position tab of the Properties Pane

  2. In the Surrounding box section, click Delete (use default)

The block is restored to its default location.

Object block fallbacks

The fallback event for an object block is:

  • Object not found

The default fallback command for this event is Retry.

To change the default fallback command, follow the instructions in Applying Fallbacks.