Welcome to the K2 Mobile Applications User Guide (Legacy Mobile Apps)

Microsoft is deprecating Azure AD Graph API in June 2022, and as of June 30th, 2020, stopped adding new features to the API. Nintex K2 is implementing code changes releasing as cumulative updates to accommodate Microsoft's change. Because of this change, if you are using the K2 Mobile Applications and K2 blackpearl 4.7 with the February 2022 cumulative update, with Azure Active Directory, the K2 Mobile Applications will no longer work. Nintex K2 recommends upgrading to K2 Workspace instead.

See the following linked article for more information on the Nintex K2 migration to Microsoft Graph, and information on cumulative updates for various versions of Nintex K2.

To jump to the guide for your mobile application, please select the appropriate mobile application from the list below, based on the version of K2 you are connecting to and your mobile device’s operating system.

K2 Workspace for iOS

Work with K2 workflow tasks, open application forms, or share and redirect tasks to other users on iOS devices.

K2Workspace for Android

Work with K2 workflow tasks, open application forms, or share and redirect tasks to other users on Android devices.

Additional Resources

These additional resources may be useful when working with the K2 Mobile applications: