Actions Panel

The Actions Panel allow you to action the selected item with the actions defined in the workflow or with the standard system actions, such as Share, Redirect and Sleep.

The following options are available:

  • Sleep: Pauses or suspends a task for a period of time. To view only sleeping tasks, tap the Sleeping taskfilter. You can wake sleeping tasks to return them to your Inbox.
  • Redirect: Sends the task to another person for completion. The task is removed from your Inbox and appears in the other person's Inbox. To use this feature, search for and then select the person to whom the task is redirected.
  • Actions: Displays the actions available for the task, such as Approved or Declined. Note that these actions are defined in the workflow.
  • Share: Share the task with someone else. When you share a task, that task appears in your own Inbox as well as in the Inbox of the person you shared it with. When the first person opens the task, it is removed from the other person's Inbox. To use this feature, search for and then select the person with whom to share the task.

For information see the Actioning Tasks topic.