Configure the navigate to URL action

Use the Navigate to URL action when you want to open a URL or web page. For example, adding a button on a form that opens a new browser tab to display a particular web page. You can open the target URL in the same browser window, a new tab in the same browser, or a modal dialog window (similar to a pop-up dialog). Typically, the navigation action occurs after an event - clicking a button, in this example.

This example uses an event, condition, and action to open a separate window that displays exchange rates. As part of the rule configuration, you add a Parameter to the Base URL, to show exchange rates for a specific amount.

For information on navigating to another form see: Configure the Navigate To Another Form Action.

Example: Clicking the Exchange Rates button on a view starts the Navigate to a URL rule. Notice that the Base URL configuration includes a parameter that passes the Expense Amount entered to the URL. In this way, you see the correct exchange rate table when the target site opens.
Form Event

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