Configure the Navigate To Another Form Action

Use the Navigate to another Form action when you want to redirect the user from one form to another. The redirect occurs after an event takes place such as clicking a button. This action is useful when you want to provide additional information such as showing a confirmation page, viewing and editing a list of values, or completing a survey.

This demonstration uses rule events, conditions, and actions to evaluate values on the parent form, then opens a child form and loads content based on those values. In one instance it allows you to edit details using a subform, and in the other instance it displays details.

For information on navigating to a URL see: Configure the navigate to URL action.

Example 1: On the Add Sales Employee Form, the desired region does not appear in the Region (Drop-Down List). Clicking the Edit Regions button opens the Add Region Form where you can add the region you need.
Add New Region

Example 2: On the Add Sales Employee Form, the region appears in the drop-down list but needs updating. Clicking the Edit Regions button opens the Add Region Form with the selected region loaded in the Edit Regions Item View. In both examples, a condition executes after clicking the Edit Regions button. The condition checks to see if a region has been selected and if so, executes the load method on the Edit Regions Item View using the selected region.
Edit Region Content

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