Exchange Online Service Type

The Exchange Online service type allows you to work with an Exchange server using SmartObjects. This service type uses Exchange's REST-based API. The SmartObjects provide methods for the following Exchange items:

You must activate the Exchange Online feature to create an instance of this service type. See Exchange Online Feature Activation. The Exchange Online feature activation allows you to integrate with Microsoft Exchange Online or a Microsoft Exchange on-premises server.

Service Authentication

You can configure the following Authentication Modes for this service type:

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
EwsUrl Yes (required) Text The URL of the Exchange Web Services.
PageSize Yes (required) Text 100 The page size is the number of results returned from the Exchange server. Given the sample value of 100, if you have 150 emails and execute the List method on the Email SmartObject you will get 100 returned in the list.
On Behalf of Email No Text To add an Email Address that is used in workflows by the K2 Server account go to the Exchange Online Feature activation page and add or update the Email Address field.

Service Objects

When you create an instance of the Exchange Online feature, the service instance gets created in the Exchange Online folder with the name you give it. You can find the Exchange SmartObjects in this category.


The following SmartObjects are created when you create a new instance of the Exchange feature. You can use these SmartObjects in SmartForms and workflows.

Using the OAuth authentication mode and executing the Exchange Online SmartObjects from a workflow uses the K2 Service account and the mailbox defined in the Email Address field on the feature activation page. You must use the OnBehalfOf property to specify the account to use to create the appointment or task .

See Exchange SmartObject Reference for more information.


Please keep in mind the following considerations: