Exchange Online Service SmartObjects

Use the Exchange Online SmartObjects to interact with your Exchange server.


Use the Appointment SmartObject to create, accept, or decline an appointment in your workflow, or to show appointment information in a SmartForm.

SmartObject Methods

Name Notes
Accept Requires Conversation ID; can save as draft by setting Send Response to "no".
Accept Tentatively Requires Conversation ID; can save as draft by setting Send Response to "no".
Cancel Requires Conversation ID; can add reason as memo field. Will always send (no draft).
Create Requires Subject, Start Date, End Date, and Time Zone (see Time Zone)
Decline Requires Conversation ID; can save as draft by setting Send Response to "no".
Delete Requires Conversation ID
List Requires Start Date and End Date
List Suggested Requires Organizer, Start Date, End Date, Required Attendees, and Duration
Load Requires Conversation ID
Update Requires Conversation ID; "Online Meeting URL" can only be updated by meeting organizer.

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Id Text    
Subject Text Annual General Meeting The subject line sent with the appointment email to attendees
Body Memo Bring the relevant files The content of the appointment email to attendees
Start Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM Gets or sets the start time of the appointment
End Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM Gets or sets the end time of the appointment
Time Zone Text Eastern Standard This is an standard Exchange object. Use the Time Zone SmartObject List method to view available Time Zones
Time Zone Display Name Text Eastern Standard Zone The customizable time zone name used in your local environment. Use the Time Zone SmartObject List method to view available Time Zone Display Names
Utc Offset Number -5 The UTC offset is the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a particular place and date.
Location Text Blue Boardroom Gets or sets the location of this appointment. Use the location values available from Active Directory
Reminder Minutes Before Start Number 2 Gets or sets the number of minutes before the start of this item that the reminder should be triggered. The value must be a whole number.
Is All Day Event YesNo No Gets or sets whether the appointment is an all-day event.
Required Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's accepting the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Optional Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's accepting the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Legacy Free Busy Status Text Free Specifies constants that define the legacy free/busy status that is associated with an appointment: Free, Tentative, Busy, OOF, WorkingElsewhere, or NoData
Legacy Free Busy Status Display Name Text   The easy to read name assigned to the Legacy Free Bust Status above
Online Meeting URL Text   Can only be updated by meeting organizer
Preview Memo   Gets the item preview
Category Text   This is a standard Exchange property. Use the Category List method to view the categories available
Adjacent Meeting Count Number 2 Count of adjacent meetings based on the user account retrieving the appointment
Allow New Time Proposal YesNo Yes Whether a new time proposal is allowed by recipients
Reply Time DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM Gets or Sets the
Sequence Count Number    
Appointment Type Text    
Appointment Type Display Name Text    
Total Conflicts Number    
Conversation Id Text    
Created On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Received On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Sent On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Display To Memo    
Display Cc Memo    
Duration Number    
Has Attachments YesNo No  
Is Cancelled YesNo No  
Is From Me YesNo Yes  
Is Meeting YesNo Yes  
Is Online Meeting YesNo No  
Is Recuring YesNo Yes  
Is Response Requested YesNo Yes  
Request Sent YesNo No  
Meeting Response Type Text    
Meeting Response Type Display Name Text    
Organizer Text    
Original Start DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Resources Memo    
Suggestion Quality Text    
Suggestion Quality Display Name Text    
Is Work Time YesNo No  
Attending Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's accepting the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Not Attending Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's declining the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Room Text South Board Room See the Room SmartObject
Room List Text   See the Room SmartObject
Accepted Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's accepting the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Declined Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's declining the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Tentative Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's accepting the meeting request as tentative (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Available Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's accepting the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Unavailable Attendees Memo; Semicolon-delimited list of attendee's not available for the meeting request (email addresses). Use the Attendees SmartObject List method to view possible attendees
Reason Memo    
Send Response YesNo No  
Currently Scheduled On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  



Name Notes
Create Requires Id, Attachment File
Delete Requires Id, Attachment Id
List Requires Id
Load Requires Id, Attachment Id

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Attachment File File    
Attachment Id Text    
Content Id Text    
Content Type Text    
Id Text    
Is Inline YesNo No  
Last Modified DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Name Memo    
Size Number    



AddRequires Appointment Id, Email Address, Attendance Requirement
ListRequires Appointment Id
RemoveRequires Appointment Id, Email Address

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Appointment Id Text    
Attendance Requirement Text    
Email Address Text    
Meeting Response Type Text    
Meeting Response Type Display Name Text    
Name YesNo    

Automatic Reply

Automatic Reply works only for the currently logged-in user.


LoadNo properties
UpdateNo required properties

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Allow Contacts Only YesNo    
Allow External Out Of Office YesNo    
End Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
External Reply Text    
Internal Reply Text    
Is OOF YesNo    
Is Scheduled YesNo    
Start Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  



Name Notes
List No properties
Load Requires Name

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Name Text    
ColorHex Text    



Name Notes
Create No required properties, cannot be created without a To, CC, or BCC. Draft is created by setting "Save as Draft" to "Yes", otherwise email is sent immediately.
Delete Requires Id
Forward Requires Id and To
List No required properties
Load Requires Id
Move Requires Id and Folder Id
Reply Requires Id
Send Requires Id

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Id Text  
Subject Text  
Body Memo    
Type Text    
To Text    
From Text    
Cc Text    
Bcc Text    
Received On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Sent On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Created On DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Contains Attachments YesNo    
Is Read YesNo    
Is Draft YesNo    
Sensitivity Text Private Normal, Personal, Private, or Confidential.
Sensitivity Display Name Text    
Importance Text    
Importance Display Name Text    
Size Number    
Folder Id Text    
Reply All YesNo    
Save As Draft YesNo    

Email Recipient


Name Notes
Add Requires Email Id, Email Address
List Requires Email Id
Remove Requires Email Id, Email Address

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Email Address Text    
Email Id Text    
Name Text    
Recipient Type Text    
Recipient Type Display Name Text    



Name Notes
Create Requires Display Name
Delete Requires Id
List No required properties
Load Requires Id
Rename Requires Id, Display Name. Cannot rename the "Task" folder

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Class Text    
Display Name Text    
Id Text    
Name Text    
Parent Id Text    
Total Child Folders Number    
Total Items Number    
Total Unread Number    


Exchange supports a number of enumberable values that are not easily discoverable; the "Lookup List" SmartObject allows clients to obtain these values for use in their K2 solutions quickly and easily.


Name Related SmartObject Notes
List Appointment Type Appointment Provides a list of values for types of appointments
List Importance Email Provides a list of values for importance
List Legacy Free Busy Status Appointment Provides a list of values for free/busy status
List Meeting Response Type Appointment Provides a list of values for meeting response types
List Recipient Type Appointment Provides a list of values for recipient types
List Sensitivity Email Provides a list of values for sensitivity: Normal, Personal, Private, or Confidential.
List Suggestion Quality Appointment Provides a list of values for meeting suggestion quality
List Task Status Task Provides a list of values for status

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Display Name Text   A user-friendly display value, derived from the Name through a localizable lookup
Id Number   The numeric value associated with the enumerable
Name Text   The value returned by the API directly



Name Notes
Get Rooms Requires Email Address
Get Rooms Lists No required properties

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Name Text Red Board Room  
Email Address Text  



Name Notes
Complete Requires Id
Create Requires Subject
Delete Requires Id
List No required properties
Load Requires Id
Move Requires Id, Parent Folder Id
Update Requires Id

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Actual Work Minutes Number    
Billing Text    


Companies Memo    
Completed Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Contacts Memo    
Due Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Has Attachments YesNo    
Id Text    
Is Body HTML YesNo    
Subject Memo    
Start Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Due Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Time Zone Text    
Time Zone Display name Text    
Is Reminder Set YesNo    
Reminder Date DateTime 2018/02/02 05:05:05 AM  
Preview Memo    
Sensitivity Text Normal

Normal, Personal, Private, or Confidential.

Sensitivity Display Name Text    
Task Status Text    
Task Status Display Name Text    
Percentage Complete Number    
Is Complete Text    
Total Work Minutes Number    
Actual Work Minutes Number    
Mileage Text    
Parent Folder Id Text    

Time Zone


Name Notes
List No required properties
Load Requires Id

SmartObject Properties

Property Name Type Example Notes
Display Name Text    
Id Text    
Name Text    
Utc Offset Text -5 The UTC offset is the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a particular place and date.