
The DocuSign Service Type is used to allow K2 to integrate with DocuSign.

K2 can integrate with DocuSign through SmartObjects and workflow wizards. To enable integration between K2 and DocuSign, the DocuSign Feature must be activated by registering an Instance of the feature with the DocuSign page. Once complete, SmartObjects are created for the DocuSign Service Instance, and workflow wizards are activated within the web-based K2 workflow design tools. The underlying Service Type integrates with the DocuSign service, enabling you to design K2 workflows that manage document signing steps or build SmartForms that utilize the SmartObjects to interact with DocuSign.

Theoretical and functional knowledge of DocuSign is required to use the DocuSign integration provided by K2. You may learn more about DocuSign from the DocuSign website at The documentation below assumes you are familiar with DocuSign as well as K2 SmartObjects.


The following prerequisites apply for K2-DocuSign integration

  1. DocuSign Enterprise Version. K2 integration requires the DocuSign API and a DocuSign Integrator Key. (Previously, when moving from development to production, K2 required all customers to obtain and register their integrator Key as part of the DocuSign broker service instance configuration. This certification process is no longer necessary as K2 has provided the option to use a K2 integrator Key. When registering a new service instance, choose the option to the K2 Integrator Key, or use your existing Integrator Key.
    • If you are using a different version of DocuSign, please contact DocuSign to determine whether you can use the API and obtain an Integrator Key in your version of DocuSign.)
  2. DocuSign Developer Account. This account must be created prior to integrating K2 with DocuSign, and the Developer Account must be obtained from DocuSign – it is not provided by K2. See the following link for more information on obtaining a developer account:

Required Permissions

The following DocuSign permissions are required to enable DocuSign integration:

Service Authentication

A DocuSign Service Instance can only be configured with the Static Authentication Mode.

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
DocuSign URL Yes Text Address for DocuSign's API. By Default this is set to the demo URL. Production DocuSign instances will most likely require a different URL.
Account ID Yes Text

The DocuSign API Account ID.

This property contains sensitive information. You can enter and see your values when you first configure this value. The value will be masked when the service instance is updated.

Integrator Key Yes Text

DocuSign Active Integrator Key.

This property contains sensitive information. You can enter and see your values when you first configure this value. The value will be masked when the service instance is updated.

Polling Interval Yes Text 15 The Polling Interval is set to 15 minutes by default. This can be changed, however any value that is set below 15 minutes will return cached values instead of real-time values. To return real-time values it is recommended that the value be set higher that 15 minutes.

Service Objects

The DocuSign Service 2 typically exposes the following Service Objects:


K2 automatically creates SmartObjects for the Service Objects in this service. SmartObjects can be automatically created by selecting the Generate SmartObjects for this Service Instance check box when creating a new Service Instance. Designers can use the SmartObject design tools to build advanced SmartObjects that leverage the Service Objects in this service. It is recommended to use the SmartObject design tools to create SmartObjects rather than generating SmartObjects, since this allows better control over the naming, behavior and design of the SmartObject and its methods and properties.

Important Considerations