DocuSign - Create Envelope Step

Use the Create Envelope step to create a new DocuSign draft envelope. This can be assembled over the course of time until it is ready to be sent. This step is typically the starting point when building a workflow containing DocuSign steps.

Knowledge of how DocuSign works is required to use the DocuSign integration provided by K2. You may learn more about DocuSign from the DocuSign website at

You can, for example, use the Create Envelope step in a workflow as part of an Employee Onboarding workflow. The first step would be for a candidate to sign a contract of employment. Use the Create Envelope step to create a new envelope containing the contract to be signed. The contract document is then added to the envelope in a later step in the workflow using the Add Document wizard.

Drag the Create Envelope step from the DocuSign category, Favorites bar, or the Recent category onto the canvas.

Example of a Create Envelope step in a workflow