Advanced SmartObjects: Properties

There are several ways to create Advanced SmartObject properties:

To manually add properties, create SmartObject properties as you would for the simple SmartObject. Click Add and enter the property details. (You will still need to define how the SmartObject property maps to Service Object properties using the methods configuration wizard. )

SmartObject properties

You can also create Properties using the Service Object methods configuration screens. You can create properties individually by clicking the CREATE button on the Map ServiceObject Property dialog, or you can have K2 automatically create all the Properties for you by clicking on the Create All button. Selecting Create All automatically creates SmartObject properties for the Service Object properties that do not already exist, and automatically creates a mapping for each property.

Creating Properties in the Inputs & Outputs screen

When mapping Service Object properties, the following Map to options are available:

See the topic Advanced SmartObjects: Methods for more on mapping properties to Service Object properties.