Advanced SmartObjects: Methods

The Methods tab only displays when you are working with an Advanced SmartObject. You can use the Methods tab to view, add, edit and delete the SmartObject methods. You can also configure the underlying service object methods that are bound to the SmartObject's methods, and edit the mappings between the service object method's parameters, input properties and return properties, and the SmartObject method parameters or the SmartObject's properties.

This is sometimes necessary when you need to alter the way a particular SmartObject method is called from a workflow or form, when you need to call multiple service object methods in a single SmartObject method (sometimes referred to as SmartObject method chaining), or when you want to limit the number of available methods on a SmartObject.


Actions/Column Description
Add Opens the Add Method wizard to define a new service method binding.
Edit Opens the Edit Method wizard for an existing service method binding.
Remove Removes the method (note that removing a method might break applications that rely on this method).
Remove All Removes all the methods (note that removing all methods might break applications that rely on the SmartObject).
Name The Name of the SmartObject method.
Method Bindings Displays the service object methods that the SmartObject method is bound to.
Service The name of the service instances where the bound Service Object methods exist.

Adding a Method

Click on Add to launch the wizard to add a new method, and then select the service object method you want to add, or alternatively drag and drop a service object method from the ServiceObject Explorer panel into the Methods tab.

Selecting a Service Object method

Dragging and dropping a Service Object method into the methods tab