K2 Service Types

Service Types refer to the "connectors" available in a particular K2 environment, that allow you to integrate with other systems by using SmartObjects.

The table below lists the standard service types available in K2. You can review the available service types in your environment by using the Service Types screen in K2 Management.

For updated and additional information on integration and compatibility of K2 with other technologies, please refer to the Product Compatibility, Integration and Support Matrix.
Product / Technology Service Type Can be configured

Microsoft Products

Active Directory

Account Management

(Read-only operations)

New: Yes


Provides read capabilities for Active Directory entities like Users, Groups and Organization Unit

AD Service2

(Write operations)

New: Yes*


Provides write capabilities to Active Directory such as

  • Create, update or disable a User Account
  • Add or remove a user from groups
  • Create, update, or delete a group
  • Add or remove users from a groups

Service instance is normally registered by the K2 installer, can add additional domains

Azure Active Directory Azure Active Directory Yes *

Provides the ability to lookup and manage users and groups in Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Dynamics CRM CRM Yes

Provides methods to create, update, delete and list entities with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

CRM Functions No

Internal service used to retrieve or add CRM attributes or to delete CRM entities. This is used in conjunction with the CRM service

Exchange Server Exchange Administration Yes

Enable or Disable user Mailboxes

Exchange Management Yes

Integrates with Exchange Calendars, Tasks and Meetings. Calendar: Create new meeting or new appointment in the user’s calendar Task: Create new Exchange task for a user. Note: this is not the same as a K2 task! Meeting: Get conflict information for a specific time or get a suggested meeting time based on time frame and meeting duration

Exchange Metadata Yes

Internal Service used to retrieve Exchange information

SharePoint SharePoint


You must use the SharePoint Registration Wizard

Integrates with SharePoint items using the SharePoint CSOM/REST services (List Items, Documents, Folders , List Item Attachments) Read operations for SharePoint taxonomy and Managed Metadata Service Instances are configured per Site Collection and you may limit which List and Libraries to expose as SmartObjects
SharePoint Functions No

Internal service used to query SharePoint for User Information

SharePoint Integration No Internal service used for integration operations between SharePoint and K2
SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Reporting Services (Legacy) Yes Exposes the “Export” methods for reports published to a SSRS server as SmartObject methods. Service instance is configured for each SSRS site.
SQL Server SQL Server Yes

Expose SQL database tables, stored procedures, and views as SmartObjects. The available methods will depend on the type of SQL entity being exposed.

Service Instances are configured per Database

Other Products

salesforce.com Salesforce Yes *

Exposes salesforce.com entities for a specific account using a WSDL provided by SalesForce.com

Uses K2 SSO for authentication.

DocuSign DocuSign Yes *

Integrates with DocuSign envelopes, documents, recipients, and folders. Note that this service is configured with the DocuSign page in the K2 Management Site.

Oracle Oracle Yes

Exposes Oracle database entities (Tables, Views, Functions, Packages and Stored Procedures) as Service Objects. Note: The Broker uses the ODP.NET data connector. Please refer to the Oracle Documentation for additional supported version information. SSO authentication is not available for the Oracle Service Broker.


K2 Connect

(Only available if K2 connect is installed)


When K2 connect is installed, SAP BAPIs can be exposed as K2 SmartObjects, allowing for no-code consumption of SAP entities in workflows, reports and supported user interfaces. Note: Only RFC-accessible systems and modules will be available for use. See http://help.k2.com/en/connectmatrix.aspx for more information

Generic Service Types

.NET Assemblies Assembly Yes

Expose .NET assemblies as Service Objects. Supports serialization and deserialization of complex types.

WCF Services WCF Yes

Expose WCF (WSDL and MEX) Endpoints as Service Objects. Supports serialization and deserialization of complex types.

Web Services Webservice (SOAP/WSDL) Yes

Expose Web Services (WSDL) as Service Objects. Supports serialization and deserialization of complex types.

OData OData Yes

Allows K2 to interact with OData-compliant web service endpoints using .NET serialization/de-serialization.


Allows K2 to integrate with REST endpoints.

K2 Service Types

K2 Internal Identity Service No

Internal service used by K2 to create and maintain identity provider configuration and schedules.

Deployment Service No

Internal service used by K2 for K2 Package and Deployment functionality.

K2 Management No

Internal service used by K2 for management functions.

Licensing Service No

Internal service used by K2 for licensing operations and license audit reporting.

PDF Converter No

Internal service used by K2 for converting HTML or dynamic URLs to PDFs.

SmartBox Service No Provides a K2-managed SQL database for storing SmartObject data when there is no existing system that can store the data. (By default, SmartObjects will use the SmartBox provider unless you specifically change the SmartObject to use data from a different system.)
SmartObject Service Functions No

Internal service used by K2 to work with service instances and SmartObjects.

Task Allocation Service No Used for Task Allocation operations and algorithms.
User Role Manager No

Provides methods for returning users, groups, roles and security label information from the available security providers.

Workflow Reporting No

Provides the data used to generate K2 workflow reports and (optionally) exposes reporting SmartObjects for specific K2 workflow definitions.

Workflow Service No

Provides runtime services for K2 workflows, such as starting new processes or opening and completing worklist items for specific events in the workflow.

* Configuration processes may differ, see the linked topics for more information.

Deprecated Service Types


CRM 4 Entity

Exposed CRM entities (in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 environment) as SmartObjects.

CRM 4 Functions

Enabled K2 to interface with Microsoft Dynamics 4 CRM and was used in conjunction with the CRM 4 Entity Service


SharePoint Service V2

Provided read and write capabilities to read, update, delete, list and add attachments to SharePoint 2010 and earlier libraries and Lists.

SharePoint Content

Enabled integration with the SharePoint 2010 CSOM (Client-Side Object Model) API to manage content in SharePoint, such as list items and documents.

SharePoint Management

Made calls to the SharePoint 2010 CSOM (client side object model) to manage lists, libraries, templates and subsites.