Exchange Metadata

The EExchange Metadata Service Type allows the K2 server to discover Exchange servers, groups and mailbox databases.

An instance this Service Broker is configured during the K2 upgrade process if Exchange integration had been configured for your K2 system. This service is an internal-only service and you would not normally need to register additional Service Instances. This service instance is not called directly by Exchange event wizards, but is used by the other Exchange Service Types.

Service Authentication

The following Authentication Modes may be used with the Service Type:

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
Exchange EWS URL Yes Text The URL of the Exchange Web Services.
Exchange Version Yes Text Exchange2010 The version of Microsoft Exchange that has been configured for use with the K2 Server
Use Auto Discovery Yes True/False True
Is Exchange Online Yes True/False False Set this value to True if you are targeting an Exchange Online environment.

Service Objects

The Exchange Metadata service creates the Exchange Metadata service object, which other Exchange services use. This service instance is not called directly by Exchange event wizards.
