OneSpan Sign
Send DocGen Package output to recipients for electronic signature with OneSpan Sign. You add an OneSpan Sign Delivery Option to the DocGen Package, then you create a list of recipients. With the recipients in place, you can tag your templates for signatures. After you create the delivery, add your recipients and update and add a template to Salesforce, you are ready to run the DocGen Package.
Here is a high level breakdown of the process:
Add OneSpan Sign Delivery
Create one or more recipients
Tag template
This feature is supported in the DocGen Lightning Component.
Add an OneSpan Sign Delivery
You can add an OneSpan Sign Delivery from the DocGen Package Wizard or the Delivery Options related list on a DocGen Package. The wizard offers access to common options for all deliveries, but you must finish configuration from the related list, where you can set up recipients.

To add an OneSpan Sign Delivery from the DocGen Package Wizard
Note: You must integrate OneSpan Sign with the Nintex Drawloop DocGen® for Salesforce to add an OneSpan Sign Delivery. For more information, see OneSpan Sign integration.
From the app menu, select Nintex DocGen, and then click DocGen Packages.
Tip: You can also select this from Lightning with the
App Launcher.
Select New.
From Basics, enter required information in these fields:
DocGen Package Name
DocGen Package Starting Object.
For more information, see Create new DocGen Packages with the DocGen Package Wizard.
From Delivery Options, in Type, select OneSpan Sign.
In Name, type a name (that the user running the DocGen Package will see) and then configure any remaining fields for standard options.
For more information on the standard options, see Delivery Options.
Select a Document Output Type:
PDF - This output type will return a single PDF consisting of all of your documents.
Originals - Do not select this option for OneSpan Sign.
Separate PDFs - This output type will return a single PDF for each template within your DocGen Package, regardless of format.
Tip: You must add a signing tag to each output document.
PDF and Originals - Do not select this option for OneSpan Sign
On DocGen Package Templates, select or upload a template and click Save.
You must add a recipient and tag your template to use the delivery. For more information, see "Add or edit recipients to an OneSpan Sign Delivery" and Tag templates for OneSpan Sign.

To add or edit an OneSpan Sign delivery from the Delivery Options related list
Note: You must integrate OneSpan Sign with the Nintex Drawloop DocGen® for Salesforce to add an OneSpan Sign delivery. For more information, see OneSpan Sign integration.
From the app menu, select Nintex DocGen, and then click DocGen Packages.
Tip: You can also select this from Lightning with the
App Launcher.
Select a DocGen Package you want to add or edit a OneSpan Sign Delivery option, and take one of the following actions on the Delivery Option related list.
Click New Delivery Option, from Type of new record, select OneSpan Signand then click Continue.
From an existing OneSpan Sign Delivery, click Edit .
In Name, type a name (that the user running the DocGen Package will see) and then configure any remaining fields for standard options.
For more information on the standard options, see Delivery Options.
(Optional) In Redirect URL, type a URL to redirect third party process.
Select a Document Output Type:
PDF - This output type will return a single PDF consisting of all of your documents.
Originals - Do not select this option for OneSpan Sign.
Separate PDFs - This output type will return a single PDF for each template within your DocGen Package, regardless of format.
Tip: You must add a signing tag to each output document.
PDF and Originals - Do not select this option for OneSpan Sign
(Optional) Select Allow Subject and Email Changes.
Allow Subject and Email Changes - Selecting this checkbox will allow the user who runs the DocGen Package to make changes to the subject and body of the email message at run time.
(Optional) In Email Text. type text to display in the body of the email.
Tip: Use Field Tagger to add dynamic content to your email body.
(Optional) Allow Remind and Expire Changes - Checking this box will allow Salesforce users to change defaulted values in the fields located within the Remind and Expire section of the Edit Page
(Optional) Reminder Delay - Entering a number here will delay the time in which your first reminder is sent in units of days.
(Optional) Reminder Frequency - Entering a number here will determine the frequency in units of days for which additional reminders are sent to recipients.
(Optional) Days till Signing Expires - This field determines the number of days allowed for eSignature until it expires.
Click Save.
Note: The Delivery Option Detail page opens where you select recipients. For more information, see Add or edit a recipients to an OneSpan Sign Delivery.
Add or edit recipients to an OneSpan Sign Delivery
After you add an OneSpan Sign Delivery, you must add recipients to sign the output documents. For example, if you needed a client and a representative from your company to sign a contract, then your delivery option would require two recipients.
To add a recipient to an OneSpan Sign Delivery
From the app menu, select Nintex DocGen, and then click DocGen Packages.
Tip: You can also select this from Lightning with the
App Launcher.
From a DocGen Package that has an OneSpan Sign Delivery, on the Delivery Options related list, click Name for the delivery option.
In Recipients, click New Recipient to add a recipient or click Edit to edit an existing recipient.
In Recipient #, type a number.
Recipient # - Enter a number here for your recipient. Best-practice is to make this the same number entered into the Signing Order field. This number will be appended to the field tags for the recipient.
In Signing Order, type a number.
Signing Order - The numbers entered here determine the order of your recipients if you have multiple recipients. For example, a value of three means that the recipient will be the third person to receive the document for signing.
In Sign Options, select the options you want and click Add.
Sign Options - If you plan to use the standard sign options provided by the electronic signing service, you must add those options to Chosen Sign Options. This will add field tags to the DocGen Package Field Tagger for the recipient being created.
Tip: OneSpan Sign Recipients require at least one Sign Option.
In Role Name, type a name.
Role Name - Enter the role name for the recipient here. This will be visible to the Salesforce users on the run DocGen Package page
Select Required.
Required - Clear this checkbox to make a signature from this recipient optional for the user generating documents. If you select this checkbox, the user generating documents will have to send the documents to this signer for a signature.
Clear or select Display Title.
Display Title - Selecting this option will display the recipient's title on the run DocGen Package page.
In Embedded Signer, select an option.
You can make the first recipient an embedded signer by selecting Routed via LOOPlus in this field. Embedded signers can provide their signature by signing within Salesforce immediately after the document is sent for signature. You can set only one recipient (the first) as an embedded signer at this time.
In Specified Signer, select an option to identify this signer.
For more information, see "Common fields for creating recipients" in Signing apps.
Click Save.
Send output documents to OneSpan Sign for signature
After you add the OneSpan Sign delivery and a recipient to your DocGen Package, you can deliver documents to OneSpan Sign for signature.
Note: You have to tag your template with the OneSpan Sign signing tag before you generate documents. The OneSpan Sign tags identify where the signature should appear on the generated document. For more information, see Tag templates for OneSpan Sign.
To send output documents to OneSpan Sign from Salesforce Classic
From the app menu, select Nintex DocGen, and then click DocGen Packages.
Tip: You can also select this from Lightning with the
App Launcher.
Select a DocGen Package with an OneSpan Sign Delivery Option with at least one recipient.
Click Select Record and then select a record, a contact and then the OneSpan Sign Delivery. For more information, see DocGen Package object testing.
Select a signer.
Click Run DocGen Package.
Output files are generated. If you click the document, you can download it.
Click Send to OneSpan Sign.